first post - clenbuterol what are the sides


New member
I read the profile, as far as i could see there werent any really side effects.
is there a negative effect on your metabolism when comming off of it? how much of the weight you lost while on it goes back on afterwards, if any.
Clen can give you headaches, nausea and the shakes.... read more about it here on the site before you start using it.....
I got shakes, and mad neck and foot cramps. I used it during post cycle therapy (pct) and it worked better than I thought it would.
I take it at night right before I fall a sleep. No, I don't have any troubles sleeping. By the time I wake up, alot of the nasty feelings associated with clen have passed. Although I do have a headache for a good portion of the day, it isn't very bad. I really don't even notice it.

If I don't fall asleep right away after taking the clen, I can feel my heartbeat getting really strong. Like mentioned above, it feels like my heart is going to beat right out of my chest, LOL.

I have only been on for 3 days now and the cramp started last night/this morning. I woke up and suddenly get a nice cramp in my hamstring. I have to pick up some Taurine in the next couple days, I hear it helps a lot with the cramps.
hmm, i found a source for it.
the guy says he gets it in liquid form from the states
he also said they use it on horses.

this dosent sound like the stuff i read about
It causes cartilage (I hope thats how you spell it) to develop around the heart causing it to stiffen. It will no longer be able to expand to the maximum when it beats. This also causes it to enlarge because the heart has to work harder to expand when cartilage is formed around it.

There were alot more sides that scared the shit out of me that I read somewhere, but that one was pretty bad. It probably happens with high doses, but who knows.

Use the eca stack or something.
I've used clen regularly when on a cutting cycle, using it on a two week rotation with an ECA stack. 2 weeks clen then 2 weeks ECA. For me I suffer less side effects with Clen than I do with ECA.
the shakes, only hands tho'... my signature sucks sometimes, lol
cramps, jeees, calves and hamstrings mainly. Taurine has helped ;-)
sweaty/clamy, still that's what it's supposed to do
dehydration, I have to drink loooaaads of water, but that's always a good idea anyway
shrinking cock, my gf actually commented on it... jeeeez but only lasts while it's active in the system (4hrs or so)
Prostate gland agro, taking a pee takes longer for me when I'm on eca

However, none of the sides are bad enough for me to stop using the cycle when cutting. my gf can sort herself out if she doesn't wanna wake the "cigar stub", lmao

I'd say I burn off between 5-10% more fat when doing cardio sessions when on clen/eca.

Results are maintainable np. All you have to do is crack your diet to maintain, and continue regular exercise.

hope some of this made sense to you ; )

"Clenbuterol is a popular - but banned - drug used by athletes in body-building, power-related, and even endurance sports. The chemical is attractive to athletes because it appears to have an anabolic effect on human muscles, and it may also increase fat metabolism. However, the actual effects of long-term clenbuterol intake on performance, muscle power, and overall health have been unclear.

To determine some of clenbuterol's actions, scientists at the University of Melbourne in Australia recently gave clenbuterol to laboratory rats at dosages of 2 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day. Some of the rats followed a completely sedentary lifestyle, while others sprinted on treadmills or engaged in endurance swim training. Clenbuterol did have a couple of potentially positive effects: Sedentary rats which ingested clenbuterol had larger muscles than clenbuterol-free, sedentary rodents, and clenbuterol users also transformed leg-muscle cells from slow-twitch to fast-twitch fibres, a surprising change which would tend to increase anaerobic energy production and magnify muscle power during short, intense exertions.

However, clenbuterol also yielded three very negative changes. First, after just four weeks, clenbuterol-treated rats were unable to maintain their normal swimming or running training intensities, while clean rodents were quite capable of continuing. Secondly, the hearts of the clenbuterol-taking, trained rats increased dramatically in size compared to the hearts of sedentary rats, but the heart expansion was probably due to the infiltration of collagen fibres into the heart walls, not an increase in heart-muscle cells. Collagen is a tough connective tissue which doesn't augment heart-muscle power but in fact stiffens the heart, potentially leading to a decrease in cardiac output. Increases in collagen may also produce cardiac arrhythmias. Thirdly, clenbuterol rats suffered from noticeable cardiac-cell degeneration.

In addition, although sedentary, clenbuterol-treated rats were more muscular than clenbuterol-free, sedentary rats, clenbuterol was unable to boost muscle mass among either the swim- or treadmill-trained rodents. It appears that, in spite of its popularity, clenbuterol is a potentially dangerous drug which offers very few positive effects for either the power or endurance athlete.

('The Effects of Clenbuterol on Skeletal and Cardiac Muscle of Rats when Combined with Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise, ' Biochemistry of Exercise Ninth International Conference Abstracts, #117, p 75, 1994)"
Clenbuterol FAQ by ANDY13

I wrote this because of all the confusion that surrounds this drug. Enjoy.

What is Clenbuterol?

Clenbuterol is a beta-2 agonist and is used in many countries as a broncodilator for the treatment of asthma. Because of it's long half life, clenbuterol is not FDA approved for medical use. It is a central nervous system stimulant and acts like adrenaline. It shares many of the same side effects as other CNS stimulants like ephedrine. Contrary to popular belief, Clenbuterol has a half life of 35 hours and not 48 hours.

Dosing and Cycling

Clenbuterol comes in 20mcg tablets, although it is also available in syrup, pump and injectable form. Doses are very dependent on how well the user responds to the side effects, but somewhere in the range of 5-8 tablets per day for men and 1-4 tablets a day for women is most common. Clenbuterol loses its thermogenic effects after 6-8 weeks when body temperature drops back to normal. It's anabolic/anti-catabolic properties fade away at around the 18 day mark. Taking the long half life into consideration, the most effective way of cycling clen is 2 weeks on/ 2 weeks off for no more than 12 weeks. Ephedrine can be used in the off weeks.

Clenbuterol vs Ephedrine vs DNP

Ephedrine will raise metabolic levels by about 2-3 percent and 200mg of DNP raises metabolic levels by about 30 percent. Clenbuterol raises metabolic levels about 10 percent and it can raise body temperature several degrees.

DNP is by far the most effective fat burner but many people will never use it because of the risks associated with it. It also offers no anti-catabolic benefit. Although it does have anti-catabolic effect, ephedrine short half life prevents it from being all that effective.

As far as side effects, Clenbuterol's are certainly milder than DNP's, and some would even say milder than an ECA stack. There is no ECA-style crash on Clenbuterol and many users find it easier on the prostate and sex drive. This may in part be due to the fact that Clen is generally used for only 2 weeks at a time.

Side effects


The most significant side effects are muscle cramps, nervousness, headaches, and increased blood pressure.

Muscle cramps can be avoided by drinking 1.5-2 gallons of water and consuming bananas and oranges or supplementing with GNC potassium tablets at 200-400mg a day taken before bed on an empty stomach.

Headaches can easily be avoided with Tylenol Extra Strength taken at the first signs of a headache. You may need to take double the recommended dose.

Common Uses

Post-Cycle Therapy: Clen is used post cycle to aid in recovery. It allows the user to continue eating large amounts of food, without worrying about adding body fat. It also helps the user maintain more of his strength as well as his intensity in the gym. Diet: Roughly the same as on cycle.

Fat loss: The most popular use for Clen, it also increases muscle hardness, vascularity, strength and size on a caloric deficit. For the most significant fat loss, Clen can be stacked with T3. Diet: A high protein(1.5g per lb of bodyweight), moderate carb(0.5g to 1g per lb of bodyweight), low fat diet(0.25g per lb of bodyweight) seems to work best with Clen.

Alternative to Steroids: Clenbuterol has mild steroid-like properties and can be used by non AS using bodybuilder to increase LBM as well as strength and muscle hardness. Diet: A moderate carb, high protein, moderate fat diet work well.

Stimulant/Performance Enhancement: It can be used as a stimulant, but an ECA stack may be a better choice because of it's much shorter half-life. Diet: To take full advantage of the stimulatory effects of Clen, Carbs must be included in the diet. Keto diet do not work well in this case.

Precautions: Is Clen for you?

The same precautions that apply to Ephedrine must be applied to Clen, although some people find ECA stacks harsher than Clen. It should not be stacked with other CNS stimulants such as Ephedrine and Yohimbine. These combinations are unnecessary and potentially dangerous. Caffeine can be used in moderation before a workout for an extra kick, although its diuretic effects may shift electrolyte balance. Drink more water if you use Caffeine.

What else do I need to know?

Most users that report bad side effects and discontinue use are those who use high doses right at the start of the cycle. The worst side effects occur within the first 3-4 days of use.

A first time user should not exceed 40mcg the first day.

Example of a first cycle:

Day1: 20mcg
Day2: 40mcg
Day3: 60mcg
Day4: 80mcg
Day5: 80mcg(Note: Increase the dose only when the side effects are tolerable)
Day6-Day12: 100mcg
Day13: 80mcg (Tapering is not necessary, but it helps some users get back to normal gradually)
Day14: 60mcg
Day15: off
Day16: off
Day 17: ECA/ NYC stack

Example of a second cycle:

Day1: 60mcg
Day2: 80mcg
Day3: 80mcg
Day4: 100mcg
Day5: 100mcg
Day6-Day12: 120mcg
Day13: 100mcg
Day14: 80mcg
Day15: off
Day16: off
Day 17: ECA/ NYC stack

Do not take Clen Past 4pm and drink plenty of water: 1.5-2 gallons a day.

All brands are not equal when it comes to Clen, different brands will yield different results.

That about covers everything.