First Post: Story of My First Cycle


New member
Hi this is my first ever thread and I am assuming that the category of my thread belongs here.
I want to share the story of my first cycle from earlier last year.

I had lifted weights for a few years beforehand, but I had taken a break.
I had previously lifted weights for fitness/strength/mma/bodybuilding but when I started again I put my main training focus on powerlifting.
After starting to lift again for about 1 1/2 years, I decided to try a cycle.
Although I had definitely packed on some size (roughly 25 or 30 lb) and was often one of the stronger guys in the gym, I still had never bothered to follow a proper training program or to track my calories.
(As you will read I actually switched to proper programming and diet when I started my cycle).

Probably somewhat out of fear of needles, I wanted to run a 6wk DBol only cycle at first.
Because I was ordering my stuff online and needed to make a minimum order for my gear, I ended up getting a single vial of Test Prop with my DBol.

Anyways, long story short I ended up planning a 10wk test cycle with a 6wk DBol kicker (the rest of the test was Test E).

The first part I like to recall is when I took my first pin of test.
I had a misconceived excitement about how strong the androgenic effects of gear would be (this was something that I really wanted). I was expecting (and looking forward to) being some fearless aggressive beast the next day.
Anyway, I slept really shitty the night after my first pin (I was excited).
I also pinned the Prop in my quad and holy fuck I have never had such bad pain in my leg before.

The next morning I woke up feeling weak, timid, and exausted from sleeping shitty and also because I had somehow caught a virus and was sick. I took my first dose of DBol and didn't feel anything (I had been expecting to).
I went to the gym that evening and I had a poor workout. My quad was also sore as fuck and I was limping really, really bad.
I was upset because I was expecting to feel all pepped up and extra brave and whatnot but instead I felt like shit.

Anyways enough with the bullshit - I had to take about a week off while I got better from being sick.
Eventually when I got back to the gym I slowly started to be able to do an extra rep or more weight here and there.

Sometime early in my cycle I decided that its time to start eating a proper amount of calories to get the most out of my cycle. I weighed around 185 or 190 and started eating somewhere around 3800 cal per day. As I continued to gain weight I would increase my caloric intake to suit.
I also started training my main lifts using a 5x5 linear progression approach.
I also did lots more research on cycling and training etc and learned alot of valuable information during this time.

I ended up running the DBol for 6 weeks, increasing the dose from roughly 30mg/day to 80mg/day during this time.
I made pleasing gains in size and strength.

When I was done with the DBol I decided to continue my cycle for longer that 10wks and also to use some Tren Ace (yes, tren on my first cycle, no regrets).
My total cycle ended up being about 16 wks long with the remaining 9 or 10 wks involving the tren.

At the end of my cycle I had gained between 25 to 30lb, the majority of which was gained while on DBol, and I had added about 100lb to my squat (lots of strength gain but also some technique improvement), about 50lb to my bench, and about 60 or 70lb to my deadlift (I wasn't deadlifting for the first half of my cycle due to a back injury).

When I was finished I used HCG @ 1000iu/day for 2 weeks, followed by nolvadex @ 20mg/day for about 6 weeks and at the same time IGF1-LR3 @ 50mcg on training days only (eod) for about 2 or 3 weeks.
I also ate tons of fats including coconut oil and avacados.
Lucky for me I don't have to worry about a bodybuilder's fear of bodyfat, and with my high calorie/high fat diet I was feeling better than ever quite quickly. (we know that a low carb/fat/calorie diet is fucking terrible for your natural T production).

I lost no more than 5lbs body weight and most of my lifts stayed almost the same except for my squat (but I also suffered a back injury during PCT and that had part to due with my squat going down).

I soon increased my caloric intake from 4400 cal to 4800 cal and it only took about 2 months after my last test pin before I was gaining weight and strength again. At the 3 month mark after my last pin I was weighing more that I had at the end of my cycle, and all of my lifts had either stayed the same or increased since the cycle with the exception of my squat.
It was clear to me that my PCT was finished and successful and I considered myself to be fully recovered (truthfully my erections were still slightly less that pre-cycle, but they were steadily improving).

Anyway that is my long story.
I started the cycle not knowing as much as I should have about training, eating, or AAS, but I quickly learned and changed all 3 at the start of the cycle.
I also kept practically all of my gains from the cycle and am very satisfied with it overall.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I also started taking Zinc and Magnesium during PCT. This probably helped me recover faster.
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Welcome to Ology. Please stick around and do a lot of reading! You still have much to learn about AAS. The cycle you ran was poorly conceived. You did a lot of things wrong -- even towards the end when you had presumably gained knowledge. I would not want to see anyone else run a cycle like this.
Yeah you definately got lucky.. and atleast you did do a pct... tons of info here and i wish uthe best ... your next cycle i expect will be impressive with your giddyness :)~