First propper Cycle, Test-E + Dianabol along with all information.


New member
Alright lads, this is basically my cycle, after a ton of research, speaking to people with experience including my training partner who i have been training with for the best part of 3 years, as well as helping him out (if you know what i mean) through all his cycles i certainly am not new to aas, however i have decided it's time for me to start a cycle. Now moving onto the info about me.

Age - 20 turning 21 soon. I do expect alot of flame for this, but i'm certainly no gym rat, i'm doing this because i have goals, obviously i do not expect to go on to win the olympia, but i'm doing this as a passion and as a sport, not just a shortcut to get me in good shape, i do want to get on stage, and i intend to be competing in the under 23 class this September at a comp.

Height / Weight. 5'10 186lbs @ 10-11% Bodyfat, give or take, i'm just finishing up on a cut and i expect to be about 10% atm really.

Training and Experience

I have been lifting for 4 years, for the first year as usual and in most cases being a newb year until i met my training partner who has helped me SO much throughout.

Monday - Leg Day
Tuesday - Chest and Tris
Wednesday - Off / Cardio
Thursday - Back and Biceps
Friday - Shoulders and Traps
Saturday - Abs
Sunday - Off / Cardio

Full Supplement Plan

500mg Test E Per Week for 12 Weeks.
40mg Dianabol Per Day for the first 5 weeks
Arimadex 0.25mg Everyday throughout Adjusted accordingly throughout.

PCT - 4 Weeks Duration - 2 Weeks after Last Pin

Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

Other Supplements throughout

Animal Pak Multivitamin
Optimum Nutrition Fish Oil Softgels
Milk Thistle Extra Strong Liver Care

Nutrition Plan

Meal 1 Upon Waking - 8 Eggs, 3 With yolk, 5 Whites and 1 Cup oatmeal
Meal 2 Mid morning - Musclepharm Combat Whey Protein - 2 Scoops
Meal 3 Lunchtime - 2 Chicken Breasts Lean without Skin and a small portion of Wholegrain Rice and Spinach
Meal 4 Mid Afternoon - Musclemeds Carnivor Beef Protein Isolate - 1 Scoop
Meal 5 Pre-workout - Smoked Salmon with Sweet Potato as a side.
Meal 6 Post Workout - Musclepharm Combat Whey Protein - 2 Scoops
Meal 7 Late Evening - 1 Pot of Cottage Cheese with Fresh Pineapple chunks
Meal 8 Right Before Bed - Optimum Nutrition Casein slow release protein to keep me nourished throughout the night.

There will be no cheating, no alcohol ( i don't drink anyway ) and no slipping up.

I will be sleeping 8 hours every night ideally however we all know this cannot always be 100% as things do happen in daily life to affect this, but i will be trying 100% to get my sleep this well tuned in.


This is my cycle, this is what i want to do, and this is what i will be doing, i know i shall receive so much hate due to my age but like i said, this is serious for me, it's more than just a shortcut to get fit, it's a passion and it's a goal for me, I'm looking for CONSTRUCTIVE advice on my cycle, i think it's pretty well tuned in however there are tons of people here who have so much experience and i'm sure people may be able to give me some advice on areas i may have missed :)

This is my plan, i will not be starting just yet until i feel it's 100% Perfect, i have everything ready and on hand however.

Thanks for your time reading guys, looking forward to some hopefully positive responses.
Anyone able to give some constructive advice? still not starting till i've heard from a few people who are more experienced than myself.
looks alright to me bud but should wait till your older why do you guys want to do steriods when your not even close to finish growing i,m 42 just doing my first real cycle,and you should just do test for your first one everyones gonna say and your two young ,enjoy your natural gains now god i wish i was 20 i,d be happy as fuk.I,m no expert but wait till some the other guys look think you need more protein more food but like i said wait till you get some more feedback bud
Thanks for the response chap, appreciate it alot! I knew age would be a key point people would point out, but like i said, i'm in this to compete, and i feel it's something that i require doing to keep up with my competition, i know quite a few guys, one of which who is even younger than me, who will be stepping on stage this year too and has run quite a few cycles... obviously i can't use that as a reason to justify myself doing the same, but like i said, this is life for me, and i know a lot of people are going to say to me "what about later in life" well later in life is going to end up coming round and slapping me in the face before i know it anyway, and personally i feel i can't live like that, i don't want to get to an age where it's considered more acceptable to take steroids, but then be too late for me to compete at the level i'd like to get to.. I hope nobody thinks i'm being arrogant here, i'm just being honest and sharing my views, i'm open to as much criticism as anyone would like to give, i just feel i should share my story so people can give me support and advice based on all the facts. Thanks :)