first real cycle. need some options

All these posts about low test with high deca crashing your libido is absolutely ridiculous! You all should know better! Deca causing water bloat and all this nonsense is crazy! As long as you manage your e2 with an ai correctly, you shouldn't have any issues with libido or water retention regardless of the dose. I've used a real low dose of test with a pretty good amount of deca before and never experienced what some of you guys are posting. A bunch of broscience! As far as not being on trt but going back to your cruise dose after blasting is a bit confusing. Are you on trt or just cruising on test when not on a cycle?

Thats what i thought. I read about guys running low dose test (to keep aromatization low) and high tren all the time
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I still say your best to go test only. You should try test at 500mgs/week, if you did so well with only 200mgs/week previously. This being your first "real cycle" would be your safest bet, assuming the safe way is something that your into. As far as your joints go, being that your only 33 yrs old, I gotta think they aren't in that bad of shape but only you know that. As I was saying tho, for your joints, start out with weight you can handle with good form for 15-20 reps instead of heavy. This way you can work your way up to lifting heavier during the cycle and your joints should keep up. Plus drinking plenty of water is great lube. AI & PCT. Once you get through your first cycle, real cycle, then given time off of course plan your second real cycle with your deca included. Just my thought...