first stack!!!need help and advice!!!


New member
Hey guys I'm new to this site and was hoping to get some good tips

I'm on my third cycle and was wanting to add a stack or run it with something else.

My past cycle history has been just 2 10 week cycles on Test e and 600 mg a week. Great results from both also took pct clomid and nolva. 75 50 50 50 clomid and 40 40 20 20 nolva.

So on third cycle this was what I was thinking...

Week 1-12 test E 500mg a week
Week 1-10 Masteron Ethan ate. 500mg a week
Arimdex EOD .5ml
Week 14-18 Pct clomid 75 50 50 50 and Nolva 40 40 20 20

At first I was thinking of deca...people that I know that have taken said stay away from it...get to bulky and such which I'm not looking forward to doing... I just want a really clean hard look is what I'm aiming for with the right diet of course.

My question is how long can I run masteron for. People told me 8 weeks I also heard 10. If anyone has done anything similar like to hear there experience :)

Also can masteron be poked twice a week in same syringe as test? get the full benefit for results should a add a oral like tbol or Winn at weeks 6-12 40mg Dailey ?
Hmm. Masteron has the same ester as your test. So you should know the answer for frequency of pinning. As far as choosing mast with test goes, not something you see just stacked with test on a third cycle. Not sure what your trying to accomplish with 500mgs of mast with your test per week either.

As far as deca goes, its a great compound. I love the stuff. Diet determines whether your too bulky or not. I would suggest looking into deca some more.
Hmm. Masteron has the same ester as your test. So you should know the answer for frequency of pinning. As far as choosing mast with test goes, not something you see just stacked with test on a third cycle. Not sure what your trying to accomplish with 500mgs of mast with your test per week either.

As far as deca goes, its a great compound. I love the stuff. Diet determines whether your too bulky or not. I would suggest looking into deca some more.

I really do want to run masteron I read some stuff about it and it sounds really good to me...I've also read some people who did stack it with test....what do you recomnded with masteron or dosage wise
Hmm. Masteron has the same ester as your test. So you should know the answer for frequency of pinning. As far as choosing mast with test goes, not something you see just stacked with test on a third cycle. Not sure what your trying to accomplish with 500mgs of mast with your test per week either.

As far as deca goes, its a great compound. I love the stuff. Diet determines whether your too bulky or not. I would suggest looking into deca some more.

How would you run masteron?
How lean are you? Mast shows it's magic in leaner cats. And, BRO deca is the shit, you know you can "clean" bulk don't you? I LOVE DECA, third to only my kids and pussy:)
Can't really give advice with mast without knowing your stats. I will say this, mast is better at high doses. 500mgs is almost like a trt dose for test. It's expensive to run. It really only works well with lower body fat (10% and lower). It's considered a contest drug like Winstrol. Granted its better in many aspects then Winstrol is to the recreational user. My opinion would be to run a test/deca cycle and save mast for your future cycles.
How lean are you? Mast shows it's magic in leaner cats. And, BRO deca is the shit, you know you can "clean" bulk don't you? I LOVE DECA, third to only my kids and pussy:)

My body fat is 9 percent bro and I weigh 175 pounds I'm pre leaned out I hear that from people. And I guess I can look more into deca but this masteron stuff is more mild the deca that's why I chose it I wanna keep my lean look
Can't really give advice with mast without knowing your stats. I will say this, mast is better at high doses. 500mgs is almost like a trt dose for test. It's expensive to run. It really only works well with lower body fat (10% and lower). It's considered a contest drug like Winstrol. Granted its better in many aspects then Winstrol is to the recreational user. My opinion would be to run a test/deca cycle and save mast for your future cycles.

My bf is 9 percent 175 pounds. Well if I were to go with deca what would you dosage that at. I chose masteron cause its considered a mild steroid. And deca is not....I also read on masteron can be ran at a minmun of 40mg a week that's why I thought 500 would be good
How lean are you? Mast shows it's magic in leaner cats. And, BRO deca is the shit, you know you can "clean" bulk don't you? I LOVE DECA, third to only my kids and pussy:)

Well how does this look then I guess I'll take your advice...

I wanna run the deca low

So was thinking 400mg of test e and 300mg deca a week . For 10 weeks and from week 5-10 I can do 50mg ED of winstrol?
That's a maintenance dose of deca no real body building value with that dose you need to be at 500mg or over to see any real growth
Ten weeks of deca at any dose is too short. Why the addition of Winstrol? You really need to research this stuff. Seems like your just having a popularity contest with your cycle...