First steroid cycle of a small man


New member
Hi everyone ,

After weeks of self-debate i decided i wanted to start my first steroid cycle on Test. I've done some research but still need some help.
So im a small guy , 5'4'' 125lbs 21 years old , i have a hard time storing fat and i gain muscle pretty rapidly. Small , smill and bulky guy.
I have the Crohn desease so i dont have a big appetite and lose weight if i dont workout and force myself to eat.
Ive been working out 4 days a week for 6 months now and i want to speed up my gains a bit.
I wanted to do a small cycle of 12 weeks on Test Enanthate 300mg a week.
Then i read that Nolva on aftercycle is a good idea. I dont know the dose for my weight.

I also thought of testosterone gel couple weeks after my first cycle i dont know what to think of that if you guys have any ideas on it.
I have a small voice and no beard maybe a long lasting test cream could help gaining some manly features.

Sorry for my poor english
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So to question you OP,

what AI are you running along with that cycle?
how come that low a dose of Test?
are you able to get clomid? ideally you run both nolva and clomid on PCT.
why so young? your endocrine system isn't fully set yet

In case you didn't notice, Milton is giving you subtle advice that you're taking yourself on a journey to need TRT and thus inject test for the rest of your life. This is why people as a rule don't start AAS usage until at least 25 years old, so their body is ready.

As well, you are very heavy for someone so small of stature. I can't believe that's all muscle and that you have low body fat, especially at your age. Might want to get your bodyfat checked out properly as higher levels of bf mean your testosterone will aromatise more and give you more complicated side effects, which will only compound since you aren't using an AI.
@Onkshotkiller , thank you for responding.
Its my mistake for my weight im actually 125lbs , i corrected it on my previous post.
For AI i read that Arimidex was good to use but i dont really know how much , when in the cycle and at which frequency i should take it.
And for the testosterone itself wich type one do you suggest me the most. For the dosage im going slowing probably because im scared of the sides effects. I might make my cycle longer and use 300mg every 5 days if its necessary. What do you think ?
Thank you for these links ill be sure to do my homeworks and ill be back in couple months to show you the results
Thank you for these links ill be sure to do my homeworks and ill be back in couple months to show you the results

Show us the results of your homework first. Not the results of a cycle. You are not ready for a cycle. You are too young. Poor diet. Haven't been training long enough - meaning you very likely would get physically injured if you ran a cycle.
5'4 125lbs.. youre about 12lbs heavier than my wife and shes the same height.. yet you put on muscle quickly?????

your diet sucks.. it sucks because youre 125lbs.. if you "put muscle on quickly" where is the muscle brother????

did you think you would magically gain and keep 20lbs on a cycle without proper nutrition??

i know im being harsh.. but im doing it for your own good
Yeah, 125 at 5'4"..... My girlfriend is 115 at 5'2", you're stacked son!!

If you're not eating enough to get out of 125 naturally, what makes you think you'll be eating enough to even maintain 145 after your cycle is over?

You should be pushing 170 naturally at your height before getting any form of "help". At 21 you're making plenty of your own testosterone. You can make these gains in the few years your brain has left to fully develop. Consider steroids after gaining weight and growing up.

3Js post may have came off a little harsh, but I can assure you he means the best. If you're serious about hitting your goals, order a plan from him with the money you were going to buy steroids with. I promise you it'll be the best move you make this year! I'm a very happy client of his and can assure you he'll get you wherever you want to go with food alone.

Make the right choice sir, and welcome to Ology!
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Yeah dude listen to the vets. You're no where near ready for a cycle and will only hurt yourself more by doing one.

I did my first cycle when I was 29 years old and still questioned myself if I was ready.

But without a doubt I will tell you that you're not ready at all.