first steroid cycle - Thinking Big


New member
Hello forum,

Age - 25
Gender - Male
weight - 75kg - 12stones - 165lbs
height - 5.9"

This is my first thread on this forum and my first cycle that I will be commencing soon - I have been training for over 10 years for the last 7 it has been fairly up to scratch - training - diet - nutrition - supplementation - rest etc its hard work and I have so much respect for all body-builders natural or drug based.

I have been considering to do my first anabolic steroid cycle and am very exciting about potential results - I work out at home currently using a half bench and half rack Olympic bar z bar t - bar and 155kg in total that's around 300lbs no dumbbells still working on some as money is tight considering me and the wife are saving for our first newborn boy :) so time to do what I wanted to of for a long time and get it out of the way until I'm tired down double time lol - #i have debated so much with myself on what cycle to do - first it was going to be all oral which I heard is the worst possible cycle as in just dbol/anavar or combined with heavier liver toxicity oral steroids - So here is what I have come up with I have pureley decicded to go with this stack due to budget and the quality contents on offer in the stack...

3500mg T. Enanthate
2000mg Deca
Nolvadex 28 (30) tabs
Proviron 21(20) tabs
Clomid 28(30) tabs
dbol blue hearts (50) tabs

Test e - deca - nolvadex being gen-shi UGL products - the rest is possible generics (hoping genshi will be good and safe there is another brand but I think its highly counterfeited)


I will start dbol to week 3 - 2 tabs a day sound fine?

test e - 500 divided into two doses each weeks (will get and extra 500mg)

deca 200mg all the way till cut away two or one weeks before end of cycle

more advice - etc all for it will be appreciated on this cycle help needed asap

Cheers - I look forward to your reply

"A grain of sand and a piece of rock...they both sink the same" "though I am nothing more than a beast...don't I still deserve to live?"
Leave the deca for next cycle bro. Dbol + test should do it for you.if you get problems you want to know if its the test or deca causing it You might want to extend to 10 or 12 weeks though.
Have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like armidex/letro on hand in case of gyno or heavy bloat. Liquidex is a cheaper form of armidex and can be found on the sites sponsor RUI.
1. Drop the dbol
2. Drop the deca
3. Save proviron for when you do run deca
4. You need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for your cycle/pct
5. Only use nolva on cycle if gyno pops up
6. Run nolva and clomid for pct
1. Drop the dbol
2. Drop the deca
3. Save proviron for when you do run deca
4. You need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for your cycle/pct
5. Only use nolva on cycle if gyno pops up
6. Run nolva and clomid for pct

This +1. Though if you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) you shouldn't need nolva on cycle