first test cycle. dosing and cycle duration.


New member
Hey guys I am looking to start my first cycle. As of right now I'm sitting at 5'10" around 280 with probably close to 30% body fat. I know what you're all thinking drop the weight and body fat first. And that is exactly what I'm planning. The plan is to drop about 80 lbs within four to six months and hopefully drop under 18% body fat region. I'm just looking for any advice on what would be best to start with to put on solid mass once I drop down. I have been working out five days a week with no real schedule on what body part just what I felt like doing. My diet has been shit which is the reason I've jumped from from 220 to 280 in 6 months. Any advice would help. Thanks.
thats a big journey that your about to embark on.. 80lbs isn't a joke.. and with the proper diet and training routine you'll get there given enough time..

here is a client of mine who had the same goals.. he's doing great with a proper diet and training routine alone.. so keep gear out of the picture.. good for you for thinking about it like that

once you get that bodyfat down, it will be easy to get a basic cycle goin
Hey guys I am looking to start my first cycle. As of right now I'm sitting at 5'10" around 280 with probably close to 30% body fat. I know what you're all thinking drop the weight and body fat first. And that is exactly what I'm planning. The plan is to drop about 80 lbs within four to six months and hopefully drop under 18% body fat region. I'm just looking for any advice on what would be best to start with to put on solid mass once I drop down. I have been working out five days a week with no real schedule on what body part just what I felt like doing. My diet has been shit which is the reason I've jumped from from 220 to 280 in 6 months. Any advice would help. Thanks.

You need to work on your math and body fat estimation. 280 x 30% = 84 pounds. You want to lose 80 pounds - presumably fat rather than muscle. This would put you at 4 pounds of fat and a total weight of 200 pounds. That is 2% body fat. I am guessing that you are really higher than 30% body fat.

P.S. Ignoring water, glycogen, etc.
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Well using the tape I come out to about 36%. So if I lost about 80 lbs of just pure fat I'd be at a pretty low bf percentage. But how do you go about dropping all that weight and not losing muscle? I know its impossible to keep all muscle but everytime I've done this before I look tiny lol.
Hey guys I am looking to start my first cycle. As of right now I'm sitting at 5'10" around 280 with probably close to 30% body fat. I know what you're all thinking drop the weight and body fat first. And that is exactly what I'm planning. The plan is to drop about 80 lbs within four to six months and hopefully drop under 18% body fat region. I'm just looking for any advice on what would be best to start with to put on solid mass once I drop down. I have been working out five days a week with no real schedule on what body part just what I felt like doing. My diet has been shit which is the reason I've jumped from from 220 to 280 in 6 months. Any advice would help. Thanks.

You are exactly where I was 6 months ago. Hiring 3j was the best money I ever spent. He will get you where you want to be he gives you the key to success you have to use it to open the door.

Good luck
Well using the tape I come out to about 36%. So if I lost about 80 lbs of just pure fat I'd be at a pretty low bf percentage. But how do you go about dropping all that weight and not losing muscle? I know its impossible to keep all muscle but everytime I've done this before I look tiny lol.

Get a diet coach. You can do a ketogenic or carb cycling diet to lose fat and keep muscle. Definitely worth the small price to get your diet started on the right track. Don't burn away all that muscle you worked so hard to get.
Sounds good, thanks for the advice. But back to the original question. What would be a smart stack to begin building more muscle after I succeed in lowering my body fat? Remember I've never pinned or even taken legit orals. I have a fair background in training being a former Marine and powerlifter. So the training would be on point. And with the habits I gain from this cut so will the nutrition. With a tweak of course to gain lean muscle. I've done some research but I know there are little things that only experience can teach. Once again thanks.
Sounds good, thanks for the advice. But back to the original question. What would be a smart stack to begin building more muscle after I succeed in lowering my body fat? Remember I've never pinned or even taken legit orals. I have a fair background in training being a former Marine and powerlifter. So the training would be on point. And with the habits I gain from this cut so will the nutrition. With a tweak of course to gain lean muscle. I've done some research but I know there are little things that only experience can teach. Once again thanks.

Have you read the sticky threads? They cover this fairly well. Basic beginner cycle is Test, AI, and hCG. Followed by PCT.