First test e cycle advice


New member
Looking to do a cut cycle with test enanthate and anavar
This in essence will be my first real cycle although I have used other compounds
Goal is to drop below 10% body fat and maintain as much lbm as possible
I have been dropping weight and body fat this year with a much improved diet, time is what kills me of course in gym time, running time, and of course cooking time and prepping.

Goal drop to 10% body fat or as low as possible save as much lbm as possible during cut

AGE 32
Height 6***8217;1
Weight 205
Bodyfat 14.5( calipers 2 places avg is 14.3)

BMR 2076
TDEE 3218( I used 1.55)
Gym 5-6 x a week
Run 3 x week ( 350 calories burned for 2 miles)

Past cycles
Winny only no pct 8 years ago listing to the bros in the gym was only 24 or 25 at the time
HGH for 8 months only went to 5-6 iu's a day for help with an injury and to lean down
Peptide cjc no dac, ghrp 2/6( still running this and love it)
T3 clen ( 2 times) once very catabolic 2nd time much smoother

Test enanthate 500mg(250 2x week) week 1-12
Anavar (4-8 50mg)(9-12 80mg) week 4-12
Arimidex- .5mg eod week 1-14
HCG 500ui EW week 1-14

PCT week 15-19
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Novadex 40/40/20/20

This is courtesy of myfitnesspal and my number crunching

Meal 1 Calories carb Fat protein
5 boiled eggs 350 0 25 30

Meal 2
Grilled chicken 112g (8 oz) 300 0 16 40
Raw avocado ½ 120 6 11 1.5

Meal 3, 4 Pre/post workout shake
Protein shake, milk peanut butter 580 36 19 66
Adams peanut butter 100% natural 420 12 32 14
(part of shake)

Meal 5
Grilled chicken 112g (8 oz) 300 0 16 40
Raw avocado ½ 120 6 11 1.5

Total diet 2,190 61 130 193

I have been running this diet and one very closely to it and had good results although i did have a slow down in weight loss at one point.

Omega 3, multivitamin***8217;s, Amino acids
Milk thistle, ZMA

My questions are as follows:

1 )Am I running the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) correctly at the right does and up to the right point?

2) Should I add more calories to my diet?

3) Can I and, should I continue to use my peptides I do each cjc no dac and ghrp 2, 3 x day 100mcg, or should I add something else?

4) I plan to do the Test E Monday morning and Thursday night but after week 4 can I do single week injections.?

5) I posted last month but got no responses on how much I should cut on my diet or if I had wanted to lean bulk how much I should add?

6) also would t3 being added help at all for further fat loss?

Thanks in advance
Props for listing your diet with macros brother...surprised no one has commented here yet.
I won't touch on the diet, but I suggest you get with 3J...can find his info in the first thread in the diet forum. Great nutrition coach with great prices.

Hcg should be taken twice a week. Just take it the same days you take the test. So split the 500 into 250 twice a week.
The Anavar I would just drop to the last 6 weeks. 6 weeks is the standard oral protocol.
And don't waste your time with milk thistle...waste of money. Invest in some can find it on amazon cheap bulk powder.

Can't help with the peptides as I do not know...but T3 can help, but not informed enough to feel comfortable telling you how to use it.

Adex looks ok may be too much to often. Everyone needs different dosages of their way to find that is to monitor gyno symptoms and be sure to do blood work and make sure you aren't taking too much and crashing your E2 levels.

PCT. Nolva looks good but change the Clomid to 75/75/50/50

Make sure to get blood work before, during and 3 weeks after pct to correctly monitor your levels.

Best of luck. Your dedication with diet is good, and you would.benefit greatly from a diet coach. Hit up 3J bro. You will love your diet.
is the dosage OK on HCG I have seen post from people saying they go as high as 1000IU during cycle.

Is the Anavar dosage ok some say to mild at 50 sweet spot between 60-80 supposedly.

Thanks for the advice, I worked on my diet to get to the point of being easily able to prep my meals a few days in advance bought a spice rack and Tupperware. And tested out portions to see what kept me full and and what i could eat on a consistent basis with my work schedule.

That is why that diet is so basic, but so easy to make, and shop for.
Run the Adex from the first pin all the way till you start the post cycle therapy (pct). Pin the Test E every Mon/Thurs, don't pin once a week because it will cause unstable blood levels. Pin the HCG twice a week on the same days as your Test @250iu per pin. Run the HCG till the 4th day before starting the PCT.
is the dosage OK on HCG I have seen post from people saying they go as high as 1000IU during cycle.

Is the Anavar dosage ok some say to mild at 50 sweet spot between 60-80 supposedly.

Thanks for the advice, I worked on my diet to get to the point of being easily able to prep my meals a few days in advance bought a spice rack and Tupperware. And tested out portions to see what kept me full and and what i could eat on a consistent basis with my work schedule.

That is why that diet is so basic, but so easy to make, and shop for.

Mustang nailed it.
And Var, 50mg should be fine for your first time with it.
I'd split the daily dosage between 2 times a day about 8 hrs apart.
So 25mg twice a day.
If you did 60mg it can be split into 3 doses a day @20mg but the difference between 3x and 2x a day won't be noticeable and 3x is a pain to keep up with.
Depends on the brand type of Anavar you got. I hear many will say they need to dosage higher on Var because the shit is weak. I got mine and did it for 50mg ED, was alright stuff, made me lift heavier.