First test e cycle + mini anavar cycle


Mr. Roboto
Hey all

This is my first test cycle. I've experimented in the past and done a couple of dbol only cycles with ok results, probably kept about 40% of what I gained (I know now that oral only is pretty pointless) and I decided to "man up"

Here's my stats before I started 230lbs 16%bf been lifting for about 5 years, 32 years old.

I had 45 day supply of anavar so I started with this, about 20 days into cycle the test e cycle begins below.

Week 1-14 or 16 gonna be 650 test e. split into twice a week. Have arimidex easy to get in case I see major sides.

After week 14 or 16 (haven't decided yet) will be doing nolva and hcg. I've done nolva before with dbol to restart and it worked fine for me.

Haven't really decided in regards to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) use on cycle so still really thinking about it.

My diet is pretty clean, I eat about 3100 calories composed of mainly of brown rice, lean meat and whey protein, with fillers such as vegetable juice.

Btw using medistar gear right now and it's pretty good. I'm into week 3-4 and I swear I have a never ending porno running in my mind every time I see a girl. Strength is slowly starting to increase, more so the amount of reps with previous 1rm max.
Almost end of week 4. Strength has gone up about 20-30% across all lifts. Libido through the roof. Not a lot of physical changes yet. Belly is getting flatter, far from six pack yet lol. Weight is gone up 10 lbs since beginning and not much bloat, but muscles all feel harder could be still from anavar, anavar finished about a week ago.

Current weight 241 lbs.

Eating about 3200 calories and still pretty hungry. Don't want to go too high so as not too pack to much fat on. Getting at least 250 grams of protein a day, mostly from food.
Forgot to mention Anavar (var) was a waste of money at the dose I took, negligible effects. I was taking 50mgs a day. Should have listened to other people and done at least 70-100 for my body weight.
Yes and always run test as your base of all cycles then add your oral. Gayavar is what I like to call is is very mild and not liver toxic. It passes the liver once opposed to dbol which passes twice.
It's around week 5.5 now, ( counted syringes 11 / 2 , lol). Starting to see some sloow physical changes, decided to up test to 1 gr per week, 500 twice weekly.

Started on arimidex 2 weeks ago, first week was hell trying to figure out the right dose. Settled on 0.25mg e2d.

Only strange issue I have is every 3 days my libido starts dying till my next injection then it's back to crazy, which doesn't make much sense cause this is a long Esther.

Anybody have ideas on this?

Strength and size is slowly continually going up now. Met a girlfriend of mine who I haven't seen for 4 months and she goes wow you look like you're on steroids or something lol
Ok got the libido thing figured out. It was getting the proper dosage of arimidex, which is about 0.5mg every day for me. Feel good on 1 gr test e so far.

Added 30mg dbol into cycle now. Had good experience in the past and figure with test e it should be phenomenal.
So you're just throwing things in there as you go? If you were going to run the dbol and Anavar (var) you should have started the cycle with the test and dbol with the dbol running 4 weeks then pick up the Anavar (var) at like week 6-8. Do some reading and research before you screw yourself up
With a heavier cycle like this one, you'll definately wanna run some clomid with the nolva for post cycle therapy (pct). you can get hcg if you want but it's not necessary. clomid though should be put in at 50/50/50/50.
Anavar is not mild by any means. That is false information.

In terms of size gains anavar is "mild" but it is a very powerful steroid especially at 50mg. When I took Anavar my bench went up for 225 to 315 in 6 weeks. Squat went from 205 to 365, and all other lifts increased as well.

Anavar does not pack on mass like anadrol or dianabol, but it is still very effective. I get bloody noses, high BP, fucked up cholesterol levels and headaches from Anavar (var). Not exactly what I consider mild but not too bad.

The hardening and strength gains are very clean with Anavar (var) and worth it for sure. If you think 50mg is a waste then you either aren't doin it right or your gear is bunk.
first cycle you do not need 1g of test. I suggest you quit steroids alltogether and fix your diet and workout routine if you need that much AAS to grow
With a heavier cycle like this one, you'll definately wanna run some clomid with the nolva for post cycle therapy (pct). you can get hcg if you want but it's not necessary. clomid though should be put in at 50/50/50/50.

Thanks for the tip. You don't think nolva + hcg should be enough post cycle?
So you're just throwing things in there as you go? If you were going to run the dbol and Anavar (var) you should have started the cycle with the test and dbol with the dbol running 4 weeks then pick up the Anavar (var) at like week 6-8. Do some reading and research before you screw yourself up

Yes that's how people usually do it, there's no reason why adding dbol mid cycle would screw you up instead of at the beginning. I completely understand that people usually add dbol at the beginning to kick start their test e cycle.

And the anavar thing was just an experiment, and I'm quite sure that the anavar was either bunk or severely under dosed.

Thanks for your input though.
first cycle you do not need 1g of test. I suggest you quit steroids alltogether and fix your diet and workout routine if you need that much AAS to grow

Thanks for your input. How ever my diet is pretty spot on, high protein, brown rice, oatmeal, etc for carbs. Never ASSume.