Mr. Roboto
Hey all
This is my first test cycle. I've experimented in the past and done a couple of dbol only cycles with ok results, probably kept about 40% of what I gained (I know now that oral only is pretty pointless) and I decided to "man up"
Here's my stats before I started 230lbs 16%bf been lifting for about 5 years, 32 years old.
I had 45 day supply of anavar so I started with this, about 20 days into cycle the test e cycle begins below.
Week 1-14 or 16 gonna be 650 test e. split into twice a week. Have arimidex easy to get in case I see major sides.
After week 14 or 16 (haven't decided yet) will be doing nolva and hcg. I've done nolva before with dbol to restart and it worked fine for me.
Haven't really decided in regards to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) use on cycle so still really thinking about it.
My diet is pretty clean, I eat about 3100 calories composed of mainly of brown rice, lean meat and whey protein, with fillers such as vegetable juice.
Btw using medistar gear right now and it's pretty good. I'm into week 3-4 and I swear I have a never ending porno running in my mind every time I see a girl. Strength is slowly starting to increase, more so the amount of reps with previous 1rm max.
This is my first test cycle. I've experimented in the past and done a couple of dbol only cycles with ok results, probably kept about 40% of what I gained (I know now that oral only is pretty pointless) and I decided to "man up"
Here's my stats before I started 230lbs 16%bf been lifting for about 5 years, 32 years old.
I had 45 day supply of anavar so I started with this, about 20 days into cycle the test e cycle begins below.
Week 1-14 or 16 gonna be 650 test e. split into twice a week. Have arimidex easy to get in case I see major sides.
After week 14 or 16 (haven't decided yet) will be doing nolva and hcg. I've done nolva before with dbol to restart and it worked fine for me.
Haven't really decided in regards to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) use on cycle so still really thinking about it.
My diet is pretty clean, I eat about 3100 calories composed of mainly of brown rice, lean meat and whey protein, with fillers such as vegetable juice.
Btw using medistar gear right now and it's pretty good. I'm into week 3-4 and I swear I have a never ending porno running in my mind every time I see a girl. Strength is slowly starting to increase, more so the amount of reps with previous 1rm max.