First Test E/Dbol Cycle @ Young Age! Advise Please.

Dump the D-Bol and run test only.
Maybe get <20% BF before you start?
PCT is good, but since you are young and likely will want kids someday, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) may be good?
That's all I can give and will leave it for the far more knowledgeable members.
I already said Im going to do it... Just advise please.
I can't give you advice because you have already stated that it doesn't matter what we say you're going to do it. I just want you to remember in a couple years when you have to take boner pills to bang your wife and you find yourself injecting testosterone to feel normal, you were advised NOT to touch AAS at such a young age. You still have plenty of room to grow on your own and it's really in your best interest to learn how to continue growing without the use of drugs.

But I guess at 19 you know more than those of us that have 20 years on you. ;)
Sorry for being ignorant. So roughly what would be the optimal time period for a starting cycle of this sort? 24? How would I test my HPTA maturity?

Yes, 24 or 25 would be ideal. You can get an x-ray to determine if your plates have closed, but honestly I don't know of any test you can get to determine if your endocrine system has fully matured. The last thing to develop is upper brain function and reasoning skills. This is why we tend to make more poor decisions when younger, and start to see the error of our ways as we get older. I've actually tried to find a list of what systems finish developing and when, but I can never find anything more detailed than case studies or what the WHO has to say.
Looks like you got great advice. No one is going to advise you because of your age. Remember, in order to be old and wise, we first must be young and dumb. I did dumb shit at your age. However, knowing what I know now, I would have waited years before touching gear. You need to get that diet in check and get on a good training routine. Besides, cycling at 25% body fat is pretty dumb. I would get to 15% at the very least even if you were to cycle. Theoretically you should be full of testosterone at your age so embrace it and enjoy the ride. You can do a lot of great things naturally for the next few years. My suggestion would be to check out 3J in the diet forum and see his client results and see how much a good diet can do for you. Good luck.
young man wake up, you are still developing and have a few more growth spurts. im my opinion oils are used once you have hit the plateau of natural lifting and dieting. I waited till I was 26 and glad I did. that being said DO NOT do the dbol test only if you do anything. be happy to even be doing test at that age. lets get real you only get to do this life once and the decisions you make young will effect you for the rest of your life. I would rather be huge till im 70 instead of dead at 30 cause my liver is toxic and my kidneys have failed. good luck young man and hope you make smart well informed decisions.
You need to listen to all of the great advice you have been given already. You are way to young, as you are aware of. If you are 6'6 260 and 25% bf at only 19, kid you are a monster and could really do whatever you want without any gear. Get in touch with 3j's and get your diet in order. All you are going to do is hurt yourself in the long run.