I'm 29, 6'4", 97kg and 13% body fat. I've been training since I was 22. I'm in the gym 4-5 times a week.
I'm going to do my first cycle and have been doing a lot of reading, and to be honest the more I read the more confused I get. I'm hoping you can help clarify a few things.
I've been using Llewellyns Anabolics guide 10th ed and the below cycle is recommended as the best beginner cycle for minimum sides and to assess how you respond to test. I have added HCG on cycle. Which he mentions is ok. The PCT cycle was also the one recommended.
Note I'm prone to acne so doing a short cycle because I'm a bit nervous about bad sides.
8 weeks
Test-E - 200/200/300/300/300/350/350/200
Nolvadex 20mg per day
HCG at 250iu every 4 days
1 week break before pct
HCG 2000ui every second day for 20days, Clomid 50mg twice a day for 30 days and Nolvadex 20mg twice per day for 45 days.
The questions I have are:
I read splitting test into two pins a week is best, is this advised or is one pin a week ok?
Can I run HCG on-cycle & in PCT at these doses?
In the 1-2 week break before pct starts do I keep running the HCG and Nolvadex or does everything stop?
Is this PCT too full on for such a mild cycle? Others seem shorter and limited to 4 weeks
Thanks so much for your help
I'm 29, 6'4", 97kg and 13% body fat. I've been training since I was 22. I'm in the gym 4-5 times a week.
I'm going to do my first cycle and have been doing a lot of reading, and to be honest the more I read the more confused I get. I'm hoping you can help clarify a few things.
I've been using Llewellyns Anabolics guide 10th ed and the below cycle is recommended as the best beginner cycle for minimum sides and to assess how you respond to test. I have added HCG on cycle. Which he mentions is ok. The PCT cycle was also the one recommended.
Note I'm prone to acne so doing a short cycle because I'm a bit nervous about bad sides.
8 weeks
Test-E - 200/200/300/300/300/350/350/200
Nolvadex 20mg per day
HCG at 250iu every 4 days
1 week break before pct
HCG 2000ui every second day for 20days, Clomid 50mg twice a day for 30 days and Nolvadex 20mg twice per day for 45 days.
The questions I have are:
I read splitting test into two pins a week is best, is this advised or is one pin a week ok?
Can I run HCG on-cycle & in PCT at these doses?
In the 1-2 week break before pct starts do I keep running the HCG and Nolvadex or does everything stop?
Is this PCT too full on for such a mild cycle? Others seem shorter and limited to 4 weeks
Thanks so much for your help