First Test-E only cycle - advice


New member

I'm 29, 6'4", 97kg and 13% body fat. I've been training since I was 22. I'm in the gym 4-5 times a week.

I'm going to do my first cycle and have been doing a lot of reading, and to be honest the more I read the more confused I get. I'm hoping you can help clarify a few things.

I've been using Llewellyns Anabolics guide 10th ed and the below cycle is recommended as the best beginner cycle for minimum sides and to assess how you respond to test. I have added HCG on cycle. Which he mentions is ok. The PCT cycle was also the one recommended.

Note I'm prone to acne so doing a short cycle because I'm a bit nervous about bad sides.

8 weeks
Test-E - 200/200/300/300/300/350/350/200
Nolvadex 20mg per day
HCG at 250iu every 4 days

1 week break before pct

HCG 2000ui every second day for 20days, Clomid 50mg twice a day for 30 days and Nolvadex 20mg twice per day for 45 days.

The questions I have are:

I read splitting test into two pins a week is best, is this advised or is one pin a week ok?

Can I run HCG on-cycle & in PCT at these doses?

In the 1-2 week break before pct starts do I keep running the HCG and Nolvadex or does everything stop?

Is this PCT too full on for such a mild cycle? Others seem shorter and limited to 4 weeks

Thanks so much for your help
This is very outdated. Better first cycle is:

500mg/wk Test Cyp or Enanthate (pin 250mg every 3.5 days) for 10 weeks
.25mg Arimidex EOD for 13 weeks
250iu pf hCG every 3.5 days (pin at same time as Test) for 13 weeks

Start PCT in week 14. Use Clomid and Nolva. I will let other guys chime in on PCT dosages by week, but note that PCT should not include hCG as it is HPTA suppressive.

Keep Raloxifene on hand in case signs of Gynecomastia appear.

Read the link in my signature for info on getting pre, mid and post-cycle blood work.

Donate blood before cycle and on cycle to manage hematocrit.

Key is getting diet structured to reap the benefits of your cycle. Will you be cutting or bulking?
Thanks Megatron28, really useful information.

I will be bulking but looking to stay lean while I do this. I won't be drinking and will be eating a bit cleaner so I expect a bit of fat will come off throughout.

I'll only have time to do an 8 week cycle because I'll be heading overseas in February for 2 months. I would like to allow enough buffer time after PCT incase I need to see a doctor in OZ. I will also be doing 300mg/pw of Test-e, I know the gains won't be as great but I'm happy to use my first cycle as a test to see how my body responds. I can always bump up the dose next time.

I've had my bloods done and a dexa scan to baseline, I'll also have the last of my stuff on Monday (Clomid/blood results) so I can get started. In the mean time I'll be researching to make sure my diet is on point.

I did have some other questions that I would really appreciate some advice on:

The 3 week gap you suggested between last test-e pin and PCT start seems longer than what I have read. For test-e I read between 1.5 - 2 weeks is enough?

Test-e is dosed at 300mg/pw, do I need to taper on and off to a 300mg peak ? I know people that do it this way, or is it ok to run 300mg flat for the whole 8 weeks because its long ester?

The HCG came in an 5000ui ampoule with 1ml saline, to get the correct 250ui dose i've acquired 10ml bacteriostatic water and will suspend it in that instead. So a .5ml will be administered subQ every 3.5 days for 12 weeks. I read that HCG is only good for 30days, given that I need it for 12 weeks do i need to freeze some of it or will it be ok for the 12 weeks?

The Anastrole tablets (AI) came as 1mg tablets, if I need .25mg EOD for 12 weeks can I just take 1/4 of a tablet or is the dosing likely to be spread unevenly throughout the tablet?

PCT will start in week 13, running Clomid 70/50/50/50 ED and Nolva 40/20/20/20 ED. I assume this is ok?

My biggest concern going into my first cycle is acne, I'm vain and it messes with my confidence when I get a flare up, Im 29 and have to present in a corporate environment, so having the skin of a 16 year old isn't a real confidence booster. I get the occasional pimple on my back and usually have 1-2 small ones on my face, not too bad though. I have always have minocycline on had which I usually take at 100mg-200mg a day if I get a flare up, it usually settles things down within a week or so. I will have this available while on cycle. However, I have read that some people run 10mg accutane ED on cycle to stop acne should I have this on stand by if I breakout baldy? - I know this is a controversial topic

Thanks so much for your advice.
If going 8 weeks you need to switch to a short ester like Prop. Then PCT could be started much sooner after your last injection. But you have to pin more frequently - like EOD.

No tapering on or off. The ester does that for you.

Keep your hCG in the fridge after you reconstitute it. It should be fine.

Quartering your Arimidex is fine. We all do it.

If you manage your estradiol you should not suffer from. acne. Can't promise you won't get a zit or two, but sounds like you already do anyway.
64 213lbs. 13% bodyfat. Fine specimen. This oughta be good can you do some before and afters please? Take some measurements too.
Have you done any reading? cause it doesnt look so, nolva throughout the cycle and no ai is totally off.
Megatron28 - Thanks for the advice, I only have 8 weeks worth of test-e and my source is away at the moment so I can't switch to test prop. I'll need to run with the 300mg for 8 weeks.

Mike43 - Yea sure, I'll do some before and afters and put up some measurements in the next couple days.

Lenex - As mentioned above, I'll be running an AI in cycle (Armidex .25mg EOD) & then Nolva in PCT. Yes I've done a lot of reading, but there seems to be a lot of mixed information out there so just clarifying a few things.
Megatron28 - Thanks for the advice, I only have 8 weeks worth of test-e and my source is away at the moment so I can't switch to test prop. I'll need to run with the 300mg for 8 weeks.

Mike43 - Yea sure, I'll do some before and afters and put up some measurements in the next couple days.

Lenex - As mentioned above, I'll be running an AI in cycle (Armidex .25mg EOD) & then Nolva in PCT. Yes I've done a lot of reading, but there seems to be a lot of mixed information out there so just clarifying a few things.

This whole cycle is a waste. Too low of a dose. Not long enough. Lots of other issues. You should wait until you can do it right. Patience is a virtue.
I had read across many sources that 300mg for 8 weeks would provide solid results for a first cycle.

However if that's the case, I will try to address the dose and duration.

What are the other issues that you refer to?
I had read across many sources that 300mg for 8 weeks would provide solid results for a first cycle.

However if that's the case, I will try to address the dose and duration.

What are the other issues that you refer to?

In post #2 Megatron outlined perfect first cycle for you. Get all that together and your set to go.