First time beginner wanting advice on cycles


New member
Hi guys just want to know what cycle is best I have one 10ml 100mcg of test and 10ml 250mcg of winstrol and I want to strip down advice
List your stats...
Age, weight, height, and bf%
Training history and diet...macros if you know them.

Test cyp and winstrol beginner

Lol he may not know the difference... hence, READ the STICKIES!

*Steroid profiles too. With all the big links at the top under the site banner.

Age 33
Height: 176
Bf% just says obese

Been doing cardio and weights for about 2 myths dropped from 100 to 90.7 did a few peptides.. Drink only water and eat right.. Just got some test cyp and Winnie

Week1-4 250x2 a week test
Week4-8 ????? A week Winnie any ideas
With only two months training you do NOT need AAS. You shouldn't even be thinking about it at this time for many reasons. Mainly for the fact that your BF% is almost guaranteed too high, and you have not built up enough of a base for tendon and ligament strength. Start researching, head to the diet section here, and again... please read the stickies.
Age 33
Height: 176
Bf% just says obese

Been doing cardio and weights for about 2 myths dropped from 100 to 90.7 did a few peptides.. Drink only water and eat right.. Just got some test cyp and Winnie

Week1-4 250x2 a week test
Week4-8 ????? A week Winnie any ideas

If "obese" you do not need to cycle yet...need to be NO MORE than 14%bf to cycle safely. 8-10% being optimum
Higher bf% will make you more prone to estrogen sides like gyno, high blood pressure, etc...
And 4 weeks won't do shit for you. And you don't need winny
Read the stickys like we said...there are threads at the beginning of every forum on here called stickys...they are must reads for new members.

My best advice is to invest money in a diet coach.
We have one can find his info in the diet forum in the first sticky.
He goes by 3J. I'm currently using him now.
He will get you where you need to be faster than your proposed cycle.
Diet is #1 priority in training and steroid use.