first time CLENBUTEROL and would like some advice


I am banned!
Hi team,

I apologise if this has already been answered but I've been pouring over as much of the forums and literature as I can and haven't exactly found what I need so I would appreciate any help with a couple of questions. Even if you think I should avoid clen, I would still like to learn how it would affect me.

Most places say that clen is safe in low doses however can be lethal to anyone with undiagnosed heart conditions, so I would like to know if there is anyway to compare clen to caffeine.

-What I mean is that since both clen and caffeine target beta-2 receptors would any of the possible negative side effects of clen be present in caffeine too? or would the potential heart issues come about from beta-1 activation by clen?

-caffeine has never been a problem for me, I remember back while cutting I would take maybe 300-600mg of caffeine from fat burners and preworkouts, so if I had a potentially dangerous heart condition would that amount of caffeine have triggered an attack and since I am still fine would it be safe to assume clen would be okay? or should I still avoid it?

-or is it due to the raised body temperature, sweat and ion imbalance that results in heart issues?

oh I don't know if age would be a factor in this but I am in my 20's if that makes any difference at all.

Thank you
Caffiene is stim mainly via calcium channel transfer, not beta 2 receptors so you cannot compare the 2.
Clen can def be used safely and one key to that in my opinion is to use ketotifen, 1mg/day, at night before bed. This prevents b2 receptor downgrade and allows clen to remain effective at low, responsible dosages. Another key is do not fall for these scheduled dose increase protocols. Why raise dose if clen is working at the dose you are at? You can tell by taking your temp. Clen, when working, increases body temp one degree.
not the same thing. a cup or two of coffee should be fine but i still wouldent go crazy on the coffee while on clen, but they do not act in the same pathways as mentioned. I also rec keto. start at week 1-2 in on clen and run 0.5-1mg pre bed.
start low on clen dose. some go very high but i been fine with 80mcg ed. i would start at 40-60 and raise up from there. some go well past 100mcg ed but i rec start low and stay low if its working at a given dose.

good luck
thank you for this, definitely not as worried anymore. Can't believe I've never heard about the ketotifen looking at it, it seems so useful.
My biggest fear was the effect it might have if I had an undiagnosed heart condition but guess theres only one way to find out, I'll start with half or even quarter of a tablet (10 or 20 mcg) and see what happens there, might see if I can get a heart scan or something too while on it.

thank you so much really appreciate it