First time converting


pro powerlifter
OK I have 20 grams of prop powder and the 100 ml kit from UK. Under their instructions they say that it will yield 100 ml at 100 mg/ml from 10 grams of powder. My question is, can I just follow the same instructions but use all 20 grams, thereby yielding 100 ml at 200 mg/ml? And do you guys think my prop would be stable at that concentration?

Thanks guys.
No you cant follow the same instuctions. There version calls for the volume of 10g hormone. You have double that volume, so you need to subtract it from the make it easy for you just take out 8cc of oil,,, you will end up with 200mg/ml. If you left the 8cc in, youd net around 175-180mg/ml off the top of my could do the math but just take out 8cc and you'll do fine.