First Time Cycle-Anavar only

I ran a Var Only Cycle for my First cycle. Have mixed thoughts about it. kept the dose low. Ran it for 7 weeks at 40mgs ed spread through the day. It did what i wanted... gave me a slight strength and lean mass increase (gained 2kgs). Lost some Fat though. All i really need to get my squat up to 190kgs. The only side effect i had was a disinterest in gold-diggers after week 5.... so low sex drive i guess (lol, normally id hit that and think about the problems later). Love the mind set it puts me in.. slight aggression. Should have used a proper PCT. Just used Animal stack instead.. wasnt much help in getting sex drive back or maintaining gains. strength decrease after stopping usage but not by much. squat came down to 170kgs. Still higher than before my cycle. Strength is all i really retained from the cycle after 7 months.

Been clean for 7 months now and training natty. Planning another oral only cycle. The Reason why im doing orals only is because I live with my family and can't really change that cause i run the fam business now. So dont really have a proper place to refrigerate the injectables or hide all the injection supplies (syringes, needles, cotton) & dont want anyone walking in on me with a needles in my shoulder and screaming like im a heroine junkie. Pills are easier to use / hide. So Please dont bash me for doing orals only. Id Myself go for the injectables if i could. Done enough research to know that. All i need is info to help me do this risky cycle in the safest way possible.

Im Almost 23 yo
not lean but not obese. Id say 15 - 17% BF ... the dude in the avatar is my doppelganger. :p ;) lol
been lifting for almost 6 years..
weigh 87 kilos.. thats 192 pounds for my american friends
im 5'8"
Endo-meso mixture of bodytype.
Deadlift 170kg
Squat 180kg
Bench 110kg
try to consume 200 gms of protein on most days and practice carb cycling.
lift in the 8-10 and 4-6 range during most workouts and love performing one rep maxes.
i don't drink alcohol but i do smoke weed everyday.. for mood, appetite and sleep.

Im planning a 7 week cycle Like this:
DBOL 30 mg ED
Nolva at hand.. might use 50 mg a day if gyno is a prob.
Liv 52... unlimited amounts .. unsure about the dose.. 4 pills a day?
Omega 3 capsules for heart.. 4gm day.
What else can you suggest for Cholesterol control? please give me the salt name if its a pharma-med as i live in india and brand names change from country to country.
Using dbol and var for the anbolic-androgenic synergy provided when stacked.

ALSO, WILL CLOMID BE ENOUGH FOR PCT? I was going through the PCT section in Llewyns Anabolics book and it suggested that Only Hcg REALLY work for test recovery.. clomid/tamoxi just help the process a lil and are mainly for gyno.. a lot of people disagree with this on these forums. not really sure.. Dont wanna use HCG if possible to get my test levels back. Im hoping this short oral cycle wont cause testicular atrophy. Please correct me if im wrong. Any Help / Input will be greatly appriciated and respected so kindly please dont leave me hangin. Specially about the cholesterol control and PCT requirement. I wanna keep most of my gains and avoid any long-term health complications. Thank you all in-advance.
VAR shuts you down,, so does test, deca, tren. It does NOT matter the compound. Pct should always be the same. If your shut down , your shut down.. Pct is for recovery of your hpta.
So don't say "I'm only running var so should I really do a strong pct" -- Again pct should always be the same.

Also-- oral only cycles are for women. Man up and learn how to inject.. IF your dead set on not injecting test and you still plan on running an oral At THE VERY LEAST run HCG along with the oral,, may help keep enough test in your body to at least stay healthy (and the body NEEDS testosterone to function properly.. That's why oral only cycles are unhealthy and not productive)
Sorry to annoy you if i am. Wont Nolvadex work for PCT? Is the HCG absolutely necessary? got issues with not being in a private enough space to inject myself. not afraid of needles.. just afraid of being caught with one.
Imo you'll be fine without a test base but you really should consider getting over a fear of needles etc. You'll have to pin to get any real lasting results from most cycles. I've known guys off and on for twenty years who have done oral only cycles. Not my thing but they seemed to recover just fine.