First time nandrolone cycle, just double checking


on my way
Hey guys, been a while since I've posted anything. Been doing a lot of reading.

Okay, so this is going to be my fourth cycle coming up. It's been a while since my last one. Just so you guys know, this is my cycle history:

cycle one - test e @500mg a week for 12 weeks
cycle two - test e @500mg a week for 12 weeks + dbol @25mg ed for 4 weeks
cycle three - test prop @50mg eod + tren ace @75mg eod

Now I did have use caber from the start for tren, so I'm not sure whether I get prolactin sides. I had no problems in the libido department on any cycle.

Gains were great on all cycles. However, I trained for strength on the tren cycle as I was getting ready for my first powerlifting meet. Sadly two weeks before the meet I tore my left erector spinae and spent 8 weeks at physio. I have since been working on getting my strength back and also focusing a lot on correcting my posture to prevent future injuries. I now feel I am ready to get back into it and I have two meets lined up.

So, enough about that, here is my cycle:
weeks 1-15 test e @500mg a week
weeks 3-15 npp @525mg a week (150mg eod)
weeks 15-20 test e @250mg a week

Thinking about adding dbol in at 40mg ed for the first 3 weeks as my first meet will be 4 weeks in. However, I am confident that I can at least get a placing to qualify for champs with my current lifts at my bodyweight.

PCT will be nolva and tribulus. I know technically this is not supposed to work, but I recovered faster with nolva and tribulus after my tren cycle than I did with nolva and clomid on previous cycles. It just works for me so I will try it again this time round. I also have arimidex and caber for the cycle that I will definitely use. Arimidex @0.5mg eod and taper up as needed. I will start caber at 0.5mg e3d as I've had it for a while and I'm pretty sure its dosing would not be accurate anymore.

I just want to know if I have everything I need? Would I need liver aid? I have heard of nandrolone being able to cause liver and kidney ulcers/bleeding. Something different this time however is that I will be under doctors supervision (hopefully). I am seeing my GP this week to ask him if he would agree to make sure my bloods and everything is okay. I have known him for years and he is a family friend, so I'm fairly optimistic.

So yea, anything that I'm missing? Feel free to ask questions, make recommendations, give advice, etc. I'm all ears.

Cheers guys
I just figured recovery might be easier with less test in my system before pct. If it won't make a difference I can just keep it at 500mg. I have enough test to stay on longer. If my doctor says I can cruise for a bit and he will do regular bloods and that, I will cruise and cut down before another blast for a show later this year. The only thing I am fully committed on for now is this 20 week cycle and the two powerlifting meets I have coming up. I still have to decide what I am going to do after
I just figured recovery might be easier with less test in my system before pct. If it won't make a difference I can just keep it at 500mg. I have enough test to stay on longer. If my doctor says I can cruise for a bit and he will do regular bloods and that, I will cruise and cut down before another blast for a show later this year. The only thing I am fully committed on for now is this 20 week cycle and the two powerlifting meets I have coming up. I still have to decide what I am going to do after

Won't make a difference. Are you prepared to go on TRT for life? You probably already know this and don't need the lecture but, the longer and heavier cycles you run the higher the risk. Especially so without hCG. Any reason your not including it?
Won't make a difference. Are you prepared to go on TRT for life? You probably already know this and don't need the lecture but, the longer and heavier cycles you run the higher the risk. Especially so without hCG. Any reason your not including it?

Yea I have made peace with that already. From my first cycle I knew I'd be on trt as I'd be doing a few cycles. I know even with proper pct there is still a good chance that you won't recover, especially after a few 19-nor cycles. The only reason I don't include HCG is because I can't find any. My country's customs is real tight, so even if you do manage to get gear it costs an arm and a leg. I have managed to find a good source, but they do not have HCG or clomid, but I still have clomid from a previous cycle.
whats your age weight and height?? whats your diet going to look like on this cycle???
whats your age weight and height?? whats your diet going to look like on this cycle???

I am 24, currently weigh 86kg and I'm 177cm tall. I will be eating moderate protein with high carb and high fat. Fats will be from avocado, fish and nuts. Protein mainly from chicken breast or lean beef mince, with lamb on the odd occasion. My main carb source is brown rice, with oats for breakfast. Cheat meal will be Friday night, which is normally Turkish food, like rice, chicken and salad. On cycle I only drink water and green tea, some mornings coffee with no sugar. I will also supplement with creatine, bcaa's and whey. However I was thinking of getting some professional diet advice and maybe training advice from a pro powerlifter. Would you be able to pm me details for a diet with costs etc?
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I am 24, currently weigh 86kg and I'm 177cm tall. I will be eating moderate protein with high carb and high fat. Fats will be from avocado, fish and nuts. Protein mainly from chicken breast or lean beef mince, with lamb on the odd occasion. My main carb source is brown rice, with oats for breakfast. Cheat meal will be Friday night, which is normally Turkish food, like rice, chicken and salad. On cycle I only drink water and green tea, some mornings coffee with no sugar. I will also supplement with creatine, bcaa's and whey. However I was thinking of getting some professional diet advice and maybe training advice from a pro powerlifter. Would you be able to pm me details for a diet with costs etc?

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Highly recommend the carb cycle package. Or any of them really.
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Nandrolone is king for IMO... Very underated compound, ofcourse, everyone reacts differently.

I would suggest keeping the Test at 250mg and leaving the Nandrolone at what it is at 500mg, if you want more, go to 750mg. My next blast is 200 Test/750mg Deca.

I love Nandrolone. Fucking awesome for mass, awesome in the sense I don't get sides. Ofcourse, I keep my Test low anway.
Nandrolone is king for IMO... Very underated compound, ofcourse, everyone reacts differently.

I would suggest keeping the Test at 250mg and leaving the Nandrolone at what it is at 500mg, if you want more, go to 750mg. My next blast is 200 Test/750mg Deca.

I love Nandrolone. Fucking awesome for mass, awesome in the sense I don't get sides. Ofcourse, I keep my Test low anway.

Isn't high nandrolone/low test bad for sides? That's what I keep reading. Not keen on deca dick as I recently got a girlfriend, so the fire is still burning strong :D

I know tren you can run higher than test with less sides, but I've never really heard of low test and high deca. How do you feel when you run deca that way?
Why wait till week 3 for the NPP. its a shorter esther and will kick in pretty fast. if you start it on week one by week three you should be in full animal effect with it.
Why wait till week 3 for the NPP. its a shorter esther and will kick in pretty fast. if you start it on week one by week three you should be in full animal effect with it.

I'm just cautious of shutdown. Since the test is a longer ester I thought I'd wait till the test kicks in before I start NPP. Unless It is possible to start both at the same time without shutdown the first 14 days. But as I understand, nandrolone shuts down from the first injection
I'm just cautious of shutdown. Since the test is a longer ester I thought I'd wait till the test kicks in before I start NPP. Unless It is possible to start both at the same time without shutdown the first 14 days. But as I understand, nandrolone shuts down from the first injection

You're right to wait 2-3 weeks.

So you're 175~lbs after a few cycles. I'm aware you're a lifter and probably try to stay in your desired weight class. Just curious why you're going to deca rather than some more Tren.

Tribulus does increase LH, but I'm thinking your clomid was bunk. I would get some Pharma Grade Clomid and run that along side. But that's just me. I really like getting boners.
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You're right to wait 2-3 weeks.

So you're 175~lbs after a few cycles. I'm aware you're a lifter and probably try to stay in your desired weight class. Just curious why you're going to deca rather than some more Tren.

Tribulus does increase LH, but I'm thinking your clomid was bunk. I would get some Pharma Grade Clomid and run that along side. But that's just me. I really like getting boners.

I'm around 190lbs. I want to stay in the 90kg class, but I wouldn't mind moving up as long as my strength goes up in proportion to my weight. Oh and as far as nandrolone over tren, is because tren wrecked my hairline and nandrolone is a bit milder. It's also really hot at work at the moment (37 degrees celsius in a conpartment I work in on a ship) so I could do without the tren sides. I can only get clomid from the source I got it from last time. But the tribulus and nolva seemed to work last time. I still had a decent libido through pct. If anything goes wrong I'm sure my doctor will pick it up if I don't
I'm just cautious of shutdown. Since the test is a longer ester I thought I'd wait till the test kicks in before I start NPP. Unless It is possible to start both at the same time without shutdown the first 14 days. But as I understand, nandrolone shuts down from the first injection

Didn't think of it that way. Right on
I'm around 190lbs. I want to stay in the 90kg class, but I wouldn't mind moving up as long as my strength goes up in proportion to my weight. Oh and as far as nandrolone over tren, is because tren wrecked my hairline and nandrolone is a bit milder. It's also really hot at work at the moment (37 degrees celsius in a conpartment I work in on a ship) so I could do without the tren sides. I can only get clomid from the source I got it from last time. But the tribulus and nolva seemed to work last time. I still had a decent libido through pct. If anything goes wrong I'm sure my doctor will pick it up if I don't

Right on. Just curious.
IMO fuck Tribulus it is nothing but a placebo and I am sure they have actually proven this. Sometimes you gotta go with the studies over broscience and experience, because just because the guy next to you for example recovered with no PCT isn't just one of those guys that recover without anything (like my mate, I can't for the fucking life of me understand how he does big doses of shit cycles and then just comes off and hes still fine, yes legitmate comes off fellas we are close). Hes one of the lucky ones. Just like every bloke that says he recovers fine with just tribulus and truly does so.

BTW to add, the whole having the run test equal or higher than everything else is bullshit. Low Test/High deca typically makes peoples dick shrivel at the thought of it... Funny how they realise how the sides are less prevalent (for a lot of guys, some guys dont notice any difference, some guys are just the side free guys etc etc).

250mg Test/500mg of Deca and at one point ramped it to 750mg Deca literally does not give me any sides... My skin goes a bit more oily, and the only thing that worries me is I get girls more wanted to pick the harmless black heads that increase on my back (someone tell me they have noticed with every girl or am I crazy) and they love to exfoliate my back too... Win win? I hold water more intramuscullary/you could say I look fuller but not fat and water looking test bloat. My joints are awesome. I feel just as good if not better than on the test alone, it doesnt fuck my cardio, i look vascular too, I get hungry as fuckn shit but IMO any steroid besides tren will do this for most, and oh yes it made me hornier than without the deca in the mix, prami or no prami. I cruise on 200 Test/200 Deca and prefer it side-wise compared to the test alone as well and I don't need prami or to increase AI dosage.

Deca I find builds much more quality mass than Test for me too.

I love the shit.

The whole thing stems down to really you can run anything, as long as test is atleast there as a base weather you on say 200mg of Test heck even 100mg of Test, so that there is atleast Test and a normal amount or not zero/jacked estrogen which is where itself brings out sides in compounds. Low Test/High Deca = No deca dick and bloat for a lot. Low Test/High Tren = Drastically reduced typically Tren sides in many.

Then you got again the lucky fuckers who can be running a boatload of all sorts of shit and the only side they get is staunched to shit (ofcourse, their bloodowork may say otherwise).

My point is nandrolone is damn good shit and people underestimate it. Ofcourse, I blast and cruise, the downside to it is it hangs around quite some time and is super suporessive so most should use NPP if not blasting as cruising. Highly underestimated compound Deca.
Thanks man. I have only heard good things about deca, aside from the long half life and how long it takes to get out of your system. That is why I decided to run NPP. I'm really keen to feel the strength gains from it! Also the joints side of it might help my aching shoulder and clicking knees. After the comp I will definitely be taking it easy though.

I will try your method of low test and high nandrolone first and see how it works. If I have no sides, great. If I do get sides I can always raise the test.

Thanks a lot for your input man! You're getting me really excited to see what nandrolone can do :D