First time playing with TREN


New member
Hey guys
im 26 years old 190lb 12% bf

cycle history
1. 600mg test e ew for 10 weeks / 50mg dbol week 1 - 4/ aridmex .5mg eod
2. 500 mg test e ew for 12 weeks and 60mg tbol from week 8-12/ arimosn 12.5 mg ed
gained about 15 pounds each cycle kept about a solid 10 and most of strength

so i heard alot of ways to dose tren... everyone says i should do test ace first but i rather deal with tren e then do pokes EOD

anyways this is how it looks 2 ways i'm playing on going by this:
1 Test E 200mg EW week 1 - 10/ Tren E 300mg EW week 1-8/ 60mg anavar ED week 5-10 /Arimdex .5 EOD
2. Test E 300mg EW week 1-10/ Tren E 200mg EW week 1-8/ 60mg anavar ED week 5-10 / Arimdex .5 EOD

PCT: Clomid 100/100/50/50 Nolva 40/40/20/20

25g 1 inch needles rotating delts and glutes.

Ive always ran test e would it make a difference if i tired test c even though my tren is enth??? is that ok to do or is it better to stick with the E for test

my goal is to get hard lean cut look i wanna run everything min dosage. Ive had ppl tell me more tren less test or vice versa so let me know what you think and whats best way! I was leaning more towards choice 2 because i heard tren can give you some nasty sides....but at 200mg ppl have also said they've seen nice gains.