First time running Masteron, got some questions.


New member
Hey guys, so i got HCG off of my checklist.
Now to Masteron
I want to run a Test/Var/Mast cycle

First off, can someone tell me if its a waste of time to run it with Anavar? My friend told me that since both pretty much do the same thing, its a waste of money. Can someone shed light on this?

The only mast I can get is prop, so that means I have to pin EOD. My question is what doses? From the research I have done, some guys go 75mg, others 100mg and others 150mg. What is a good ideal doseage?

Now here comes the tricky question: I know Mast is only effective for 11% body fat or lower otherwise you are wasting your money. So my question is, if my cycle is 12 weeks, can I run mast for weeks 4-12? Or does it have to be ran for 12 weeks? Reason being is I do not anticipate to be 11% or less until 4 weeks into my cycle.
A good dose for mast would be 600mgs/week.


Mast and Var work amazingly together and there is no issue with running both of those compounds together.

The thing with Masteron is the lower the BF% of the individual taking it the better it works in terms of producing a dry, grainy look. There ia no such thing as it not working at this or that BF%. It has many other benefit on top of visuals. Masteron is my favorite compound, Ive used it many times. Run the Mast from day one.
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