First Time Test E Cycle - Need Advice


New member
I've read through all the posts on doing a beginning cycle. I have everything put together and just want to get some advice and make sure I've set everything up properly before diving into this cycle. Here's my plan:

Week 1-12 250mg of Test E 2/week
Week 1-14 .25mg Anastrozole EOD
Week 4-12 250iu's HCG 2/week (same days as test)

Week 14-18 50mg Clomid ED
Week 14 40mg Nolva ED
Week 15-18 20mg Nolva ED

A few questions I have are: 1.) Should my Anastrozole dosage be higher (.5mg EOD)? 2.) Do I need to add Fincar to this cycle? I don't think I'm prone to male pattern baldness but am not sure. 3.) Does my PCT look right? Should I change the doses on any of those?

If you see anything that needs adjusting or just any advice in general would be greatly appreciated. I know most of you have seen a million posts like this one, however I just want to make sure I do everything the right way and get it right before I start, rather than starting and then running into problems. Thank you!
Yes, wait 3 weeks from last pin before commencing PCT.

Can I double check... are you taking 250mg per week of Test or 500 split into 2?
Run hcg from beginning of cycle up to pct. Might wanna wait 18-21 days after last pin for pct. Read through this link...

This is what I read from the link "My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle" inside that FAQ you posted.

"PCT start times:

Testosterone Enanthate = 14 days after last injection
Testosterone Cypionate = 18 day after last injection
Testosterone Propionate = 3 days after last injection"

But you think I should wait longer?