First Timer needs HELP! Epistane and Test (Enanthate) Combo


New member
Hi everyone,

If anyone can give me some advice it would be greatly appreciated. Currently this is what my Cycle looks like - feedback again would be great.

Weeks 1 -3
40mg Epistane per day
2 scoops of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) Sports 'Cycle Support' per day
1 scoop of L-Taurine per day
3 Milk Thistle Tablets (7000mg x 3)
1 x Multivitamin + 2000mg Fish Oil

Weeks 3 - 6
40mg Epistane per day
2 scoops of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) Sports 'Cycle Support' per day
1 scoop of L-Taurine per day
3 Milk Thistle Tablets (7000mg x 3)
1 x Multivitamin + 2000mg Fish Oil
+ 250mg Test Enanthate (inject) Twice per week

Weeks 6 -12
No Epistane
1 scoop of L-Taurine per day
3 Milk Thistle Tablets (7000mg x 3)
1 x Multivitamin + 2000mg Fish Oil
+ 250 mg Test Cypionate (inject) Twice per week

Weeks 12-15
PCT Clomid
3 Milk Thistle Tablets (7000mg x 3)
1 x Multivitamin + 2000mg Fish Oil

I wanted to know if this looks OK - was a little worried about waiting until week 12 to run PCT as I am doing both Epistane and Test Enanthate at the same time- thoughts? Yes I am new so feel free to rip the shit outa me - I can see it coming, but if it helps me, then I don't give a shit - rip away!
I'd say drop the epistane and go with 250 mg twice per week of test e for 12 weeks and start pct 2 weeks after last pin. May want to run nolva with the clomid
OK - just curious as to why I'd be dropping the Epistane now when it's generally week 3 that you get most of your gains (week three of 6 week cycle) - just seems like a waste to drop it now. But if there is a reason I really would like to know
Are you saying you're 3 weeks into your cycle?

most people would recommend that you just run test only for your first cycle.
Hi Noway,

Currently in week 4 of Cycle so have injected twice with 250mg test enanthate. Not a massive guy - started out at 82kgs now am sitting on 87.5 kgs and trying to maintain 1.5grams of protein per kilo of weight so taking around 4 protein shakes + meals and supps per day.
Because of the esters in the test it takes about 4 weeks from the first injection to start getting results. So if you just had your first week of test you can expect little if any gains from it til about 3 weeks from now. It's best to run your first cycle test only. Later when frontloading you would take something like dbol for weeks 1-4 and the test for weeks 1-12. This way you start seeing gains almost immediately and then you're of the dbol when the test kicks in
Hi Noway,

Currently in week 4 of Cycle so have injected twice with 250mg test enanthate. Not a massive guy - started out at 82kgs now am sitting on 87.5 kgs and trying to maintain 1.5grams of protein per kilo of weight so taking around 4 protein shakes + meals and supps per day.

Since you're already in week 4 I wouldn't drop the epi until the end of week 4 when the test starts to kick in. You could run it into week 6, but epi can be pretty harsh and the test should be kicking in.
Also, 4 protein shakes in a day is a lot. You should be getting most of your calories from good clean food. 1-2 shakes a day max, real food is always better.

Uhh.. did you mess up in your first post, or are you saying that you were on only epi for the first 3 weeks and no test?
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the heads up - Noway - no, wasn't an error - I wanted to run a 6 week eppi cycle, however mid way through I decided to start my test cycle (so basically there will be 3 weeks where I take both). Do you believe I should drop the eppi after 4 weeks? i.e a week from now?
You should have started them at the same time, but it's too late for that. What's done is done. As long as you're not having liver/BP issues from the epi, might as stay on it for another week until the test kicks in.
Most guys that I know here in Sydney only run either Clomid OR Nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) - what is the science for using both when they do pretty much the exact same thing??

>> So... just checking - I am now on second week of Test E and week 4 of Eppi, so drop the Eppi at the end of this week and just use Test ? Any feedback would be great - really appreciate it. Weight now 89.4kgs - gain of 7.4 kgs in 4 weeks (probably a lot of fluid but feels good!)
Thanks for the feedback guys - really appreciate it. So one final question. Should I finish my epi cycle this week at 4 weeks? (would have been on test for 2 weeks) - also had a complete blow - hurt my right shoulder while training.... not good, plan on giving it a rest for the next week and see how things go.