First timer


New member
Hey everyone. Wanted to keep a log of my first go at gear. Been lifting for half my life, I'm 32 years old, 193lbs 5'11''. I've been researching for about 10 years and finally feel comfortable with crossing to the darkside as well as finding a legit source. I have done plenty of prohormone cycles in the past, m1T, 1-AD, amongst alot of others and even anavar. The last 3 months, diet has been strict in prep for this. First inj was last Thurs, 200mg test E. Smooth as hell with no problems. It helps that my best friend is a nurse so he hooks me up with injections. Cycle looks like this.

Week 1-5: 400mg Test E (Monday and Thursday)
Week 5-12: 500 mg Test E (Monday and Thursday)

adex .25mg/day throughout entire cycle

Throwing in 40mg/day of anavar weeks 8-14 up until post cycle therapy (pct). Have Nolva and Clomid for post cycle therapy (pct). I'm not sure about using them both, may just go with Clomid. I've always recovered quickly in the past but then again, never used test so we'll see.

Not feeling much of anything except excitement but I dont expect to till week 3-4. I'll update as I make progress and notice sides or effects of the test. My goal is to lean out and be a solid 205-210lbs when its all said and done. Feel free to chime in and comment
Use BOTH Nolva and Clomid DURING your PCT...keep your TESTOSTERONE dose at 500 milligrams throughout the WHOLE cycle.
Use BOTH Nolva and Clomid DURING your PCT...keep your TESTOSTERONE dose at 500 milligrams throughout the WHOLE cycle.

I agree with keeping test @500mg whole cycle. If this is your first cycle you should def drop the anavar and run test 500mg week for whole cycle and u will see excellent results. Just keep cals high and clean. Do slow cardio and keep an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand incase of signs of gyno. You only need one SERM for your post cycle therapy (pct) if you run test only. So do nolva 40/40/20/20. Youll love it.
Just an update. Decided to run 500mg/week. About a week in, 2 injections so far. I weighed myself after my workout this morning and it read 200.4lbs. Been eating and training like a horse. Weight has been going up on alot of lifts, not much but its there. One thing I noticed is I usually have a little shoulder and neck pain most of the time, I have had none since last week. I doubt the test is kicked in yet, it's prob all mental. 3rd shot tomorrow.....later
incase anyone cares, I'm finishing up 5th week, weight up to 209lbs, strength increasing and feeling great. keeping a log and in a contest on another board and since no one responds to this one, this is the last post. thanks