First Tren Cycle do I need HCG?


New member
Hey what's up everybody this is my first time posting here been lurking for awhile. I'm about to start my first tren cycle. I have done 3 test E cycles and 1 Deca/ Test E cycle. previous cycles have been awesome! I'm 35 years old 5'8 about 12% bf 178 lbs and I have been in gym since a teenager. All of my cousins run tren regularly as well as a bunch of my friends, and been telling me to jump on board. I have been curious over the years but didn't want to jump the gun. I feel ready now. I have tren ace and test cyp. Here is my cycle plan:

Tren ace 350 wk (50 Ed) for 10 wks
Test cyp 250 wk (125 split twice a wk) for 12wks
Aromasin 12.5 EOD ran wk 1-12
Prami 0.5 ED before bed ran wk 1-10
Pct nolvadex and clomid

My issue is my family and friends don't run prami/caber or even an AI! I know I know. My cousin says I over think things but I never had an issue cycling before because I over think things. They are telling me I don't need hcg they never used it. But from all of the info I gathered I feel it is necessary for me. I tried to order it online and got ripped off. I got all of the test and tren from my cousin and I asked him about hcg he said he didn't have it and nobody he knows takes it. Got gear now but I am kinda thinking I should hold off till I get some hcg to run 250 iu twice weekly during cycle. They say they are pinning tmr I told them I think I will shelf the gear until I get my hcg. Am I over thinking this? Is the hcg that serious? Should I wait or just start it up? Thanks for the help guys. Sorry for the novel of a post
your basically asking "hey guys, just wondering if I should be average or should I be optimal". your 'balls' , your choice . depends on if you want the best and most optimal recovery to restart your HPTA . . if you don't really care about having an optimal recovery, then just run the cycle and don't worry about the hcg
I never ran hcg in previous cycle but since I was starting Tren was thinking I need to. Guess u are right I should go for the best recovery possible. So I will hold off till I can find some hcg thanks
Tren 'shut down' is exactly the same as any other AAS shutdown (test, deca, etc.). So running hcg is not dependent on what AAS compound your running