First Tren cycle Log (very conservative)


New member
Hey fellas,

25 years old, 5'7", 180 lbs and probably about 13-15% body fat give or take. I can still see my abs, but I over did it over the holidays ;)

This is my 4th cycle in the past three years, and I am actually on TRT otherwise (since about 19), aka my balls don't work too well.

This is my first Tren cycle. I chose Tren E because all my other stuff is long-acting and although many seem to recommend Tren A for a first cycle because it is more powerful/side effects will go away faster when stopping, I have also been told that the side effects are generally MORE severe with the acetate version. For this reason, I decided to be super conservative with Tren E, so here is my current cycle...

Test E - 250mg/wk
Tren E - 200mg mg/wk
Masteron E- 200mg/wk
Prami - .125mg ED
Aromasin - 6.25mg ED
Then at the end of my cycle I'm going to throw in 60mg Var ED for 4 weeks

I'm 5 weeks on 250mg/wk test (usual dose is 100mg/wk) and 2 weeks on everything else. Feeling nothing so far, which is to be expected with the long esters. I was a little worried about prami after reading about it online but I honestly haven't experienced any sides from it at all. I'm going to bump it up to .25mg ED next week and see how that goes. I probably wont go any higher than that.

Erections are normal. I usually have a pretty high sex drive. I haven't noticed anything with prami in regards to the refraction period, but again, my dose is super low. Hoping to see that at .25mg as a nice surprise to the fiancée haha.

I will try to update every few weeks. Running this cycle for 15 wks (starting 2 weeks ago). Goal is just an overall recomp. Not expecting anything amazing from this. I am also kinda just using this as a gauge to see how I react to Tren, as it's the only compound in this cycle I haven't tried other than prami.

For those who have used Tren E, should I expect to notice side effects by 5-6 weeks, or am I probably good at this low dose?
Your mast dose is way too low. Mast shines at 600+mgs per week. Your tren dose is very low too. I would atleast double it per week. I'm all for lower dose cycles but running too low is a waste of gear. You don't need to run prami with a 19 nor. It is recommended to have on hand incase of sides. At your dose, I would think it is not needed...
I will up tren by week 4-5 if I don't notice any sides. Like I said, this cycle is more to experiment with tren than anything else. I have read way too many horror stories about it. I know everyone is different so I'm hoping I respond well.

I will up the mast to 400mg EW. I don't have enough to run 600mg so that will have to do.

I'm running prami along with it to see how that effects me as well. It actually greatly increases GH production as well as sexual benefits. So I want to see how that fares (along with the apparent sides.) so far so good though.

Thanks for your input!
Tren is tren brother . The ace ester is z lot easier to dial in how much sides you can take. You might be surprised when/if you up the dose when you aren't feeling any side effects and then in s few weeks they're too much. I tend to bail out on tren because the lack of sleep makes my feel lethargic most of the time. Night sweats are tolerable but getting 4-5 hrs sleep when I working 10's and working out/ trying to recover is too much.
Good luck
Up Tren, lower Test. From experience I had zero to minor side effects when I kept test E at 250mg a week or less while Tren as doubled. That's just my experience though. TBo is correct about the prami, keep it just Incase of sides. Have you used prami before? Not a good idea IMO to run it every day... If I tell you the shit Prami put me through taking it daily, you'd stop. The worst was hallucinations... The type that will probably make you do something crazy. Prami is most likely not needed for you right now. I needed prami when my tren ace was over 750mg a week.
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Damn man. What dose of prami were you taking?!

I was thinking of upping the tren to 300mg by week 4 then 400mg by week 7-8 (if all is well ha) and finishing up with that. Would running just my 100mg Test dose be good? I have definitely heard keeping Test low with tren keeps sides pretty manageable. And like I said I'm not after crazy changes. Just a recomp. Already seeing changes in my physique but I'm gonna say diet is huge in that so far lol. Increased vascularity as well.
I'll be 2 weeks on Tren E/Mast E in 2 days. No sides yet, which again, is to be expected since it's a long ester/low dose. By 3 weeks if I'm not noticing anything I'm going to bump it up to 100mg shots E2D (300mg/wk). I bumped the Mast up to 400mg/wk, I know people say more is better but I cant afford it right now.

I do have a question though. The liquid the Tren E is suspended in is pretty light. Like test. Most Tren looks like it's more of an amber color (online anyways). The guy I got it from is a secure source. He gets all his shit through people involved with Mutant (the sup line- don't know if I can say that but I'm not naming names so..) He told me he has had light tren and dark tren.

My question is, have you guys ever had light tren that was very effective?