first tren cycle questions comments and thoughts are welcomed!


New member
26yrs 200lbs under 10% body fat. this will be my 4th cycle. my previous cycles included test and anadrol only. I learned a great deal in my previous cycles and i believe im ready to try the mother of all anabolics! TREN!

please critique my cycle and let me know what i should add or adjust

week 1-12 trenA 75mg EOD totaling 300mg a week
week 1-12 test prop 50mg EOD totalling 200mg a week
week1-4 anadrol 100mg ED (may drop to 50, last time 100mg made me feel like complete shit)
week 1-12 Adex .25mg EOD - thoughts? is this a good starting point? ill adjust if E2 starts acting up
standard nolva clomid PCT 1 week after last pin

I think these are good starting doses and i have enough gear to up it a little. most likely will but i want to see how i take to tren.

I will be taking NAC 1800mg ED until orals are done then drop to 1200mg ED

Primi is in the mail what is a good starting dose? I know people run tren without it and have it on hand "just in case" but I would like to run it regardless as a preventative measure. I developed gyno last cycle and dont want to be fighting that or milky nips if that occurs, this cycle.

My diet is okay. its far from clean but im very lean so any extra calorie i can put down i do. i eat around 3600-3800 calories daily before weight gainers. steak oatmeal chicken rice eggs peanutbutter veggies.

My goal is to bulk up. I ran a short cycle this winter of 400mg test cyp and kept a lot of my gains, for once. my receptors may not be the freshest but im hoping to touch the 220lb mark. I would be very happy getting to 215 though.

please let me know what you think of this. im very excited to get going!

thanks ology!
I think a shorter tren cycle would be better... not because of potential shutdown but because it becomes ''less effective(like other fast acting AAS) after around 8 weeks.. But if you up the dosage then the problem is solved :D. Prami start at .125mg before bed, after eating something... It brings nasty sides in some of us so tapering the dosage up is a good idea.. .25mg ED is good dosage; up it if you get prolactin sides. adex dosage seem fine; I might even lower it since you only run 200mg prop a week... If you get libido problems just bump the test dose a little. Carbs on tren is your friend... high carb /low fat /mod protein is my approach with this compound. Like I keep my fat around 40-50g and get 200g prots and fill the gap with carbs
awesome. thanks a lot mann. ill try and post every few days or so and let you know how its going im very excited