First True AAS Cycle Tren/Test

If you are planning on dieting and training to gain mass why not use E or C instead of prop and save yourself a few pins
If you are planning on dieting and training to gain mass why not use E or C instead of prop and save yourself a few pins

I found it easiest to get Test Prop initially and the idea of injecting once for the Tren Ace/Test P that I had planned was appealing to me. Having taken into account the feedback from the others here, I will be running test only and would surely like to inject less, however, I've already acquired the Prop so I'll be using that. Good call though.
Sorry completely off topic lol but I just came back with t500 as my first pin and I did 1ml and now I have a bruise on my glute that is the size of a tennis ball any idea how to aide this?
Sorry completely off topic lol but I just came back with t500 as my first pin and I did 1ml and now I have a bruise on my glute that is the size of a tennis ball any idea how to aide this?

Firstly, don't gatecrash someone else's thread...

Secondly, you've just got to man up and ride it out... you've chosen a high strength potent compound that is bound to bite. It's double the strength of the standard Testosterone on the street.

The worst thing you could do is massage it, because that will be causing even more trauma to the area in question.

You could take an anti-inflammatory painkiller to help with the ache, but a few days and you'll be fine. You might want to reconsider going so high per ml next time - for this very reason.
So, after taking in all of the information and advice provided via this thread (which I greatly appreciate), I have come up with some further questions and comments. Diet, after it being stated that 3k calories would likely be insufficient...I've come to agree. In keeping with a 40/40/20 and taking in 2g of protein per lb...that would put me around 3700 calories... I'd like to think this will give me a good base to build on. Btw, I generally eat a meal every 3 or so hours as this falls in nicely with my schedule..and allows me 6-7 opportunities for food intake daily when done right.

Drugs, dropping the Tren Ace and caber. Upping the Test P to 100 mg eod. My question then on this is: Should I hold off a few weeks on HCG and aromasin to gauge how my body reacts with the Test injections, or go ahead with the HCG to smooth out the pct? And in the event that I have no adverse reactions to the test pins, should I then just hold the aromasin for emergency/pct?

I want this as dialed in as possible so that once I get my bloods back I have a solid green light.
HCG should be taken from day one of pinning until 3 days before commencing PCT....
2 x 250iu per week should suffice.
I wont comment on the aromasin as I have always used Adex from day 1.
HCG should be taken from day one of pinning until 3 days before commencing PCT....
2 x 250iu per week should suffice.
I wont comment on the aromasin as I have always used Adex from day 1.

Kinda figured that would be the way to go with hcg. I chose aromasin because it seemed a bit milder when compared to other ai. I'll likely just go ahead with it from day 1 to eliminate any chances.