So, its been my first week into the cycle.
One week into the cycle wont exactly bring about any major changes. My arms seems a bit bigger, but that might also just be me fooling myself. However, I am definitley noticing more vascularisation.
As it comes to strength and stamina, I can´t really report of any changes there either.
However, I have noticed my chest/nipples becoming more structured. Not experiencing any soreness or pain, but they do feel somewhat more.... in lack of better words I would say voluptuous (but not in a bad way).
Lets see what 2nd week has to offer.
One week into the cycle wont exactly bring about any major changes. My arms seems a bit bigger, but that might also just be me fooling myself. However, I am definitley noticing more vascularisation.
As it comes to strength and stamina, I can´t really report of any changes there either.
However, I have noticed my chest/nipples becoming more structured. Not experiencing any soreness or pain, but they do feel somewhat more.... in lack of better words I would say voluptuous (but not in a bad way).
Lets see what 2nd week has to offer.