First week into cycle - progress


New member
So, its been my first week into the cycle.
One week into the cycle wont exactly bring about any major changes. My arms seems a bit bigger, but that might also just be me fooling myself. However, I am definitley noticing more vascularisation.
As it comes to strength and stamina, I can´t really report of any changes there either.

However, I have noticed my chest/nipples becoming more structured. Not experiencing any soreness or pain, but they do feel somewhat more.... in lack of better words I would say voluptuous (but not in a bad way).

Lets see what 2nd week has to offer.
What are you cycling man?

1-6 weeks
500mg TE-injections/week (1ml [250mg] Monday morning & 1ml [250mg] Thursday evening)
50mg Dianabol (daily, 2x25mg pre-workout)
0.5mg Adex E2D/E3D (wanted 0.25mg but the tabs are difficult to cut, so I do 0.5mg instead)

6-12 weeks
500mg TE-injections/week (1ml [250mg] Monday morning & 1ml [250mg] Thursday evening)
0.5mg Adex E2D/E3D (wanted 0.25mg but the tabs are difficult to cut, so I do 0.5mg instead)

13-14 weeks
0.5mg ADEX E2D/E3D

15-18 weeks
PCT with Nolvadex (40/40/20/20) and Clomid (50/50/50/50)
After my first cycle my chest/boobs really filled in.
You Need to worry if liquid starts coming from your nips or lumps.
So, 2nd week closing in as well. So far, I would say that I am experiencing being

More horney!
No gyno and no nipple-liquid. But I am definitely getting nice symmetry around chests/pecks.
Greatly more vascularization in shoulders and biceps. Less so in lower arms.
Definitively more massive arms, due to the water-retention. Some days bigger than others.
The most dramatic and visible outcome is that I in less than 24hr went from
- dumbbell press, 3x10, 24kg to 2x12 28kg
- standing barbell press, 3x20, 25kg to 2x12 35kg

Arms, back, shoulders and calves are doing major improvements. Not so much in legs though, but its getting there.
Stomach/abs are a bit annoying. Sometimes I see the outlines/abs, some days I dont see them. It all depends on my intake on a day-to-day basis. But right now, I am not so focused on cutting down. I rather gain during this cycle.

Initially I decided to diss creatine. I am already going quite hard at my liver/kidneys, so I though 3x10-15g creatine /day would be wise to skip. But I am interested to know how the outcome would be because I know that creatine has a huge impact on me, making me an raging animal in the gym (without the steroids). So I might pick up a 2week creatine cycle soon.
Yes, I take 2400g NAC/day.

Just wondering: I was unable to go to the gym 2days in a row now. Will that affect anything? How many days can you take Dbol/Test/AAS without going to the gym, till it loses its effect and you are pissing money away?
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