Flax oil


New member
Hi everyone.
I've been taking 1 tbl spoon of flaxseed oil with my protein drink after my evening workouts. I was wondering if I should be taking it with my morning protein drink rather than at night.

I may also add an additional serving of flax per day, but just am not sure when is the best time to take it or if it even matters at all.

Thanks for any input.
DO NOT take your flax in your post workout shake!!! It should consist primarly of whey protein and dextrose, both fast absorbing. any fat added at this time will slow absorption, which you dont want. We want to ideally spike insulin to shuttle nutritents into the muscle cells immmediatly after working out to begin repair.

You can add it anywheres else in the day... but on a personal note, I prefer to keep carbs and fats seperate, so ideally just with protein would be best imo.
Hi Atherjen.

Thanks for that info. I had no idea. I have been taking it post workout with protein shake for awhile. I'm going to change that starting today. Thanks again for helping.

I definitely agree with Jen in not taking it post workout. You want to stick to just dextrose and protein following your workout.
I too take my flax with just protein as well. If you're only using one tablespoon right now, I would suggest taking in an addtional tablespoon at some point during the day. :)