Follow my Test E and Anavar Cycle! open to critique


New member
Hey mates! Decided to a log on my steroid cycle to help you guys out and for you to help me out. Will be starting in a couple of days but just starting this log now to gain any more information I need as I wait on my blood work results. Feel free to ask any questions. This will be my second cycle as my first was an dbol cycle a few months back.
Cycle-300mgs of Test E every 4 days for 10 weeks, Anavar on weeks 8-11 at 60mgs ED and arimidex every day just not 100% sure how I will dose it. Post cycle therapy will be week 12 with the usual nolvadex and clomid.

Brief Stats- 23 years old- 240 pounds 6 foot 3
Goals of this cycle(with training/diet) will be to increase athleticism as I am a football player.

Feel free to comment, thanks!
Hey mates! Decided to a log on my steroid cycle to help you guys out and for you to help me out. Will be starting in a couple of days but just starting this log now to gain any more information I need as I wait on my blood work results. Feel free to ask any questions. This will be my second cycle as my first was an dbol cycle a few months back.
Cycle-300mgs of Test E every 4 days for 10 weeks, Anavar on weeks 8-11 at 60mgs ED and arimidex every day just not 100% sure how I will dose it. Post cycle therapy will be week 12 with the usual nolvadex and clomid.

Brief Stats- 23 years old- 240 pounds 6 foot 3
Goals of this cycle(with training/diet) will be to increase athleticism as I am a football player.

Feel free to comment, thanks!

I read in lots of respected places that you should start with .25mg EOD of armidex to start with and adjust if necessary.
that's what I'm using anyway.

How long was your first cycle? also how much gains did you kept?
Post cycle should b weeks 12-16. Mabe u just left that out. .25 EOD is a good place to start with adex. I advise that u get blood work around week 4-5 and see how ur levels are. What's ur bf%? If its very high you won't see much from the anavar, as if works best with low bf. if this is ur first test cycle then you should see good results with test a loan. Good luck
First off thanks for the replies! Yes I will start off with.25 EOD then go from there if needed. My post cycle will be 4 weeks, correct. Also my bf% has not been calculated for a long time but I will estimate around 15%? I can almost see my top abs and obliques so I am not "fat" by any means. For your anavar comment I do agree with you but think I will see great strength gains and it will help me finally bring out my abdominals. Also keep in mind my main goal is to increase overall athleticism which includes speed, vertical jump, quickness, etc. Obviously the training I will be doing will contribute the most to this but being able to train more than once a day will be great! heres a brief look at my lifting stats currently(pre-cycle):
Back Squat-375 for 3 reps
Deadlift- 375 for 3 reps
Bench-325 for 5 reps

Il give a full on schedule once I start my cycle but most likely it will look something like this:
Monday,Tuesday,thursday,Friday morning weights, work, football
My workouts will probably be: Day 1: Shoulders/traps,Chest, Triceps Day 2:Back,biceps,core Day 3:Legs,yoga Day 4:Arms,Core

Feel free to ask any more questions. One question from me is will I feel sore at all from the workouts the next day? Usually days where I squat 5x5 I can definitely feel it the next day? thanks.
also another question.. I think I will be injecting in my quads..seems easier to control and better as I can see everything going on..? any suggestions ?
quads are much easier man and if you have them massive quads you'll get used to it and won't even have to switch injection sites as i did. make sure you sit pretty much parallel cause one time i sat where my legs weren't touching the ground to well so they were a little flexed and it didn't goto well lol. best of luck on your cycle!
Thanks! ya im researching on quad injections right now just confused exactly how to do it? Should I sit both legs planted gently in the ground being about 90 degrees? Cause with glutes you don't want any weight on the injecting leg. And then just inject normally into the outer upper region of the quad
Sit on the edge of your bed, have something like a small stool to rest leg on and relax your leg. Don't flex it at all. Find injection spot. Pin, aspirate, and inject.
Quads are nice. I just sit in a chair with my legs at a 90 and inject in the center of the outer head. I no nothing of that lab bit I encourage u to get blood test after a few weeks to make sure it's gtg
Okay il get one done, week 4? What exactly tells me if it's good to go? Like if my cholesterol levels are fine and everything else seems normal according to my doctor it's g2g? I will have a high rbc count tho correct as it will improve my oxygen intake therefore benefiting me in sprinting?
My 2 suggestions are as follows...... 1. Rotate injection sites and do glutes, quads, and delts. 2. I would run your test 12 weeks. I feel that running long ester testosterone for only 10 weeks is cutting it short. Just my 2 cents.
A lot of what I have heard from fellow friends at the gym are your test kind of "levels" out around week 8 and therefor you need to inject a larger amount from weeks 8-12. Also I don't want to shut down my body for too long so my pct will be faster with nolva/clomid, no hcg for me.
A brief overview of my diet is it will be roughly 4000 calories a day. 2 times A day I will have 2 scoops of protein other times Im looking at the regular foods, oatmeal,chicken breast,fruits, ect. As mentioned above I am very active so I will be buring off a lot of it anyways so Im not following a exact, down to the wire, weighing everything out kind of diet. Roughly about 225-275grams of protein, 400-550 grams of carbs, 70-90 grams of fat.
A lot of what I have heard from fellow friends at the gym are your test kind of "levels" out around week 8 and therefor you need to inject a larger amount from weeks 8-12. Also I don't want to shut down my body for too long so my pct will be faster with nolva/clomid, no hcg for me.

You really think there is going to be a huge difference in the degree of shutdown from 10 weeks to 12 weeks?? Don't think so. Also, you don't need to inject a larger amount either. It is long ester test. Generally, I don't notice a whole bunch until weeks 6-8. Then you cut it off at week 10. Go ahead start the cycle and I bet you that you extend it to 12 weeks. Lol. Just how it works man.