Football Player First Cycle Log


New member
Okay after I was about to start this cycle a couple of weeks ago I finally go my gear. Once again here are my brief stats I will copy and paste from my last posts.
Brief Stats- 23 years old- 240 pounds 6 foot 3
Goals of this cycle(with training/diet) will be to increase athleticism as I am a football player. Also keep in mind my main goal is to increase overall athleticism which includes speed, vertical jump, quickness, etc. Obviously the training I will be doing will contribute the most to this but being able to train more than once a day will be great! heres a brief look at my lifting stats currently(pre-cycle):
Back Squat-375 for 3 reps
Deadlift- 375 for 3 reps
Bench-325 for 5 reps

Il give a full on schedule once I start my cycle but most likely it will look something like this:
Monday,Tuesday,thursday,Friday morning weights, work, football
My workouts will probably be: Day 1: Shoulders/traps,Chest, Triceps Day 2:Back,biceps,core Day 3:Legs,yoga Day 4:Arms,Core

Feel free to ask any more questions.
Previous cycle history is one anavar cycle and a half assed dbol cycle. As for the actual cycle it will look like: Test C 600mgs a week, pin every Sunday night and Thursday Morning of 300mgs. So my first pin will be this Sunday but I will start dbol at 50mgs a day to kickstart my cycle for about 2 weeks.
Weeks 1-10 Test C 600mgs a week
Weeks 1-2 dbol 50mgs a day
Weeks 9-11.5 Anavar at 50mgs a day
Weeks 12-16 Nolva and Clomid (input please on how much)?
Il be posting everyday to keep you guys updated as long as I get replies. Like mentioned above first pin is Sunday and will start dbol tmr. As far as arimidex goes I do have liquid arimidex but will go out and buy tabs next week instead.
Also I have go blood done and everything is fine. A brief overview of my diet is it will be roughly 4000 calories a day. 2 times A day I will have 2 scoops of protein other times Im looking at the regular foods, oatmeal,chicken breast,fruits, ect. As mentioned above I am very active so I will be buring off a lot of it anyways so Im not following a exact, down to the wire, weighing everything out kind of diet. Roughly about 225-275grams of protein, 400-550 grams of carbs, 70-90 grams of fat.
Ten weeks of test cyp is too short. You would only be getting 4-5 weeks use out of it. I don't know who or where it was recommended to do a cyp cycle for ten weeks.
Alright thanks, ya maybe il go for 12 weeks. Just that I don't want to be shutdown for to long as I am still young I want to get my natural test levels up.
I would run Dbol 4 weeks instead of 2; 12 week cycle is definatly better since its a long ester. 4000 cals seem legit; you probably burn a lot of these while you train for football so if you see that things doesn't get anywhere, add calories. Overall the cycle looks good, you did your homework for sure
The dbol will have u shut down immediately. Doesn't matter what cycle u run, your shut down while on gear. That's why its recommended to run test in every cycle and do a proper pct.
Popped my first dbol today, couldn't wait till tmr lol. Tmr is my first pin. I have 25mgs tabs of dbol so I'm taking one morning and one around night.
Haha did my first pin today ever! In my outer quad. 1 inch 25guague. Went great so far 25 mins later no pip. Only a drop of blood. I think I might have enjoyed tha weird? Haha did it today because I was free and will be very busy tmr so today I can monitor how I feel..going to gym now..go te placebo effect right now. Guys keep commenting an il keep u updated! Feel free to ask!
Popped my first dbol today, couldn't wait till tmr lol. Tmr is my first pin. I have 25mgs tabs of dbol so I'm taking one morning and one around night.

Id change that up a little, dbol half life is 4-6hrs, depending on what time you train Id take it 1-2hrs before, and then again 6-8hrs later.
Alright thanks for te input mate! I about to pop my second one right now but will follow what u said tmr. No pip at all from my first this normal?? Lol also a buddy saidy anavar he gave me/test was previously stored in a very cold place. His outdoor garage. And it's winter. Does this have any effect at all? I heat my test before injecting btw.
Are u on dbol or var? No it doesn't matter about gear being stored in a cool place. Your heating up the test before u pin it anyways..