New member
Hey brother! Wasn't sure if you've gotten a similiar question to this one, so forgive me for not searching. I ask this not only for myself, but for other bro's out there having limited diets on weekends/short vacations. I've read post from you previously before in the recent past regarding metaphorical quantitative comparisons to real/whole meals to shakes/meal replacement; that being said I remember your words loosely being along the lines of "a shake/protein replacement is only 1/8 of the equivalent to a real/whole meal". With that being said, where does frozen food stand? I.E.; hungry man's, lean cuisine (flame on), and various other frozen food companies that make "whole" meals? Don't get me wrong, I know these don't compare; but when it boils down to it, how much nutrition can one of these really have? Situationaly for me, it's one of these, or just a shake. If I left out any info that would help you come to a conclusion, just let me know brother! Appreciated.