For you bro's that are using Peg400 for Orals......

Drveejay11 said:
is that all you're using?

Hormone + Peg400 = done? :confused:

Yep. Just shake it up good and you are ready to go.

And I believe the appropriate equation is:

Pullinbig + 2g test/w = watch out kitties!!! :)
Would it be possible to make 100mg/ml using Peg400?


20 grams of Hormone (Primo Ace) + 200 ml's of PEG400 = 100 mg/ml

Will this work?
Concentration (mg/ml) 100
Weight (mg) 20000
Specific Volume 0.75
Desired BA% 0
Desired BB% 0

PEG400 Volume 185.00
BB Volume 0.00
BA Volume 0.00
Powder Volume 15.00

Total Volume 200.0
DougoeFre5h said:
Concentration (mg/ml) 100
Weight (mg) 20000
Specific Volume 0.75
Desired BA% 0
Desired BB% 0

PEG400 Volume 185.00
BB Volume 0.00
BA Volume 0.00
Powder Volume 15.00

Total Volume 200.0

So...only use 185 ml of PEG? (and 15 grams of powder?) :confused:
20g of powder will take up roughly ya 185mls would be the magic number. I usually put in 2% BA just to be safe (yes with orals) never know if I'm gonna decide to save it for a while, I'd rather have it not go moldy even though I use sterile vials. I know water goes stagnant.......dunno what happens to peg or how quick it does.
The powder takes up space too, like deadlift said itl be roughly 15cc worth of space after its in solution. The rest...peg to get you to 200ml.