Forma stanzol as a stack or pct?


Hey gang got a question, I'm ready to start my helladrol cycle and I wanna run the forma stanzol as a stack with the helladrol. If I do, is it more beneficial to start forma a week before the helladrol? Also I also took advantage of the sale on DAA from NTBM where does that fit in my cycle? PCT or part of a bridge?
I usually start mine wk3 through pct as hella takes awhile to kick in..start ur Daa the day after you are off hella abd maintain through pct
run forma week 3-10... 10 pumps a day... 5 in the a.m. and 5 in the p.m... you can run daa in pct and as part of your bridge if you want... 8 weeks is a good amount of it so you can taper it into your bridge if you want... i would recommend just running it during pct and then running a sarms stack as your bridge... switch over to D-Spark in your sarms bridge... there is daa in it but a lot of other quality ingredients that go very well with sarms...
Guys thanx for the input, definitely will take it into consideration. I will be starting this cycle this weekend. I will keep everyone posted.....
I'd stay in higher doses of daa if u have a bunch of it in the first place. I've got better results at 6g, much better.

The forma I'd run longer but at a lower dose. 4/4 pumps am/pm, but for the whole cycle and post cycle therapy (pct). you want to control estrogen and keep it at a low, manageable amount.
Hey! i start my Forma Monday. I will be the first day for week three on my Hella cycle. Just wanted to know how the forma did for you
Hey gang got a question, I'm ready to start my helladrol cycle and I wanna run the forma stanzol as a stack with the helladrol. If I do, is it more beneficial to start forma a week before the helladrol? Also I also took advantage of the sale on DAA from NTBM where does that fit in my cycle? PCT or part of a bridge?

Start your Daa in pct or later as a bridge, I'd run it in pct and continue for 6 or so weeks.
Start your forma at a low dose in week 4 or 5 of your cycle, Then carry it on through pct. Helladrol doesn't convert to estrogen massively anyways so could wait till your pct, and then go through pct and bridge out afterwards.