frank zane mass blitz


Iron Man
has anyone tried this ... from reading about it , i thoght it would be overtraining, but a few people said it has worked really well ...
hmm .. doesn't look promising ..

this is the zane blitz .. if this helps at all for those that aren't familiar with it

The Zane Blitz

From 1977-1979 an era existed which historically is known as " The Reign of Zane. " He has been regarded as the epitome of classic sculpture, and a master of symmetry. But what was the former Mr. Olympia's secret? In his book entitled: " Frank Zane - Mind, Body, and Spirit, he notes in his journal's an interesting conclusion:

" Over the years I've come to the conclusion my body is sore whether I train or not. This is no mere illusion no matter what time of year, cold or hot might as well train anyway and since I need to shower everyday at least with weight training I'll build my body this way and pain can be voluntary( 40 ). "

Frank Zane 3 Time Mr. Olympia

What is this method you ask? Allow me to explain.

Zane's Purpose: To bring a body part which lags behind others up as quickly as possible

Method: Two Week's of pure, endless bombardment of the target muscle group


1. Choose specified body part
2. On Day One Train the muscle with a total of 25 sets
3. On Day Two Train the muscle with a total of 15 sets
4. On Day Three Train the muscle with a total of 10 sets
5. Rest On Day Four, you know the drill - Catch up with past issues of Hyperplasia Magazine
6. On Day Five Train the muscle with a total of 25 sets
7. On Day Six Train the muscle with a total of 4 sets
8. Rest Two Days
9. Repeat Seven Day Cycle Once More

The man was the three time world champion! After this split it would be a good idea to taper a few days. I prefer to split this into five different exercises when utilizing 15-25 sets. Thus, on 25 I would perform 5 Xs 5, where as with 15 I would perform 3 Xs 5. When utilizing 10 sets, three exercises will be sufficient at 4, 4, and 3 respectively. Finally, 1-2 exercises will do on day seven.

The advantage here is that it gives you an opportunity to hit every aspect of the muscle. Take legs for example. You can do numerous varieties of squats, and even use the abductor machine, which in my opinion is the most underestimated mass exercise on the market.
I like Zane. Smart guy. Great Bodybuilder. But to me that routine is nuts.

With enough gear, enough food, massive amounts of rest post 'cycle' some people may be able to handle this. I believe Don Ross had a similar idea...most users would just waste their time with such a routine.
i thoght so too .. but the people who talked about it, said its only for two weeks, and it has worked well. i don't do gear, so i dunno lol