Gains down the tube thanks to PCT?


New member
Here is my cycle with the planned PCT:

Wk 1-14: test E (500mg/wk)
Wk 13-16: HCGenerate (5 pills/ed)
Wk 17-21: Nolva 40ed/40ed/20ed/20ed
Wk 17-21: clomid 100mg(day 1) then 50ed/50ed/50ed/50ed

I'm just started week 13 today. I had/have aromasin on hand incase of sides along with a good source to buy legit letro incase of emergencies. I planned this cycle for about 4-5 weeks before i bought anything so i would be decently prepared.

I'm a college athlete who will be beginning high intensity workouts in about 2-3 weeks. This includes moderate weight training and medium to high intensity cardio. This was my first ever cycle so i kept it about as basic as you can make it. I used it to put on good muscle and strength. I didn't do a cycle to gain any sort of advantage in my sport; it was for my personal benefit (if it helps my athletic ability, awesome). I know i'm not going pro, i'm just paying for my schooling and having fun so i thought i might as well get big while I have legit workouts made out for me. I just want to know what i can do to maintain most of my size and strength gains through my post cycle therapy (pct). I've worked my ass off and gained about 30lbs, increased my squat from 305lbs to 410lbs and bench from 155lbs(shitty i know. I had arm injuries) to 215lbs. I want to keep as much as possible so i don't have to start all over again in the future.

Thanks for any feed back.

On a side note, I'm sure somebody will bash me for using steroids while playing sports and saying that it's illegal so i'm gonna beat you to the punch.......steroids are illegal.....for everyone. :cockblock
Everyone in sports uses, illegal or not, but that's not the reason people will bash you.

Anyway, if your PCT is on point, you should lose a whole lotta gains, just water... don't confuse water with 'gains' like so many do though
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Everyone in sports uses, illegal or not, but that's not the reason people will bash you.

Anyway, if your PCT is on point, you should lose a whole lotta gains, just water... don't confuse water with 'gains' like so many do though

thanks for the reply. I understand that on a cycle not 100% of the gains are going to be solid muscle so i will lose water weight and fat(hopefully). haha i do feel like a lot of my gains are muscle though. I never got any noticeable bloat. thanks again for the input.

Also, did you mean "if your PCT is on point, you shouldn't lose a whole lotta gains."
Oops, yep. Ya caught me, sorry

You probably did gain a lot of muscle, hell just look at your numbers. Keep your calories up and keep it clean during PCT, that will help retain too
Haha ok. sorry to nitpick. Thanks again. I had read some stuff where people were saying high intensity workouts would make you burn off pretty much all test gains.......i was like ffffuuuuuuuu((((((kkkkkk........ btw, have you ever tried HCGenerate or know anyone that has used with good results? PM me if you would rather talk that way over this thread. Thanks.