Gains From Osta-Gain Max

Mine have been and I haven't read anything on here or other forums about people loosing gains.. Only thing I did notice was a drop off in Endurance slightly that I had to work to regain over the next month(s).
Mine have been and I haven't read anything on here or other forums about people loosing gains.. Only thing I did notice was a drop off in Endurance slightly that I had to work to regain over the next month(s).

So were you taking osta max to bulk or for pct?
This was on stand alone cycles with S4 or Osta or combined.. S4 had less endurance issues then Osta for me. But on all cycles I kept the strength. I won't know about post cycle therapy (pct) for a few weeks, after I finish my Havoc cycle, I'll be using Osta Low for my post cycle therapy (pct) test boost with Clomi. see what comes of that..