Question for Pops.. Bloodwork ..HGH?


New member
I am posting this for my (not so old) old man. If it is better suited in another sub-forum just let me know and i can repost it there. I have ATTACHED BLOOD WORK results.


53yrs old, and according to the doc in great health.
Works out 4+ days/wk
resistance training, fast walk, swim, bike, surf, hike, kayak

His diet is pretty clean, and pretty basic. Rice, meat, veggies, occasional sweet tooth, no food allergies that he knows of.

According to him he has lost a lot of energy and endurance. I suggested he check bloods for test decreasing at this age.. he did so and is sitting at 772 which is better than my natural levels at 29 yrs old.(given, I have done cycles and he has not)

He has never done any cycles other than some pro-hormones over a decade ago.

His goals are to lower his bf% to 7-8%, gain endurance, and overall daily energy levels. As well as try to slow the aging process, get rid of some wrinkles, etc.

He has a friend who has been on HGH for a few years and swears it's the best thing he's ever done. I have a fairly extensive bit of knowledge on gear from reading ology for over a decade and doing a dozen cycles or so myself over the past 5-6 years but i am very limited on HGH knowledge.


Is there a true benefit to a 53yr old man in good health to cycle HGH?

If so, will this help him achieve the desired result, assuming that diet and exercise along with current active lifestyle is maintained?

If so, what would a first time cycle suggestion be? Should I just refer to 3J or another sticky on dosing?

If it is not suggested, why? & would there be any other suggestions you all would make for him?
HGH at a therapeutic dose would be ideal for someone at your father's age. 772 test at 52?? that's insane. are you sure he's not on TRT that you aren't aware of?

before taking HGH he needs to find out if he has predispositions to any kind of growths so that the GH doesn't help it expand. that's pretty much it as far as GH...
HGH at a therapeutic dose would be ideal for someone at your father's age. 772 test at 52?? that's insane. are you sure he's not on TRT that you aren't aware of?

before taking HGH he needs to find out if he has predispositions to any kind of growths so that the GH doesn't help it expand. that's pretty much it as far as GH...

Yea thats what I said haha but no he's never taken any test at all. Predispo's such as family genetics you mean? Do you have a solid reference to a "therapeutic dose"?
Yea thats what I said haha but no he's never taken any test at all. Predispo's such as family genetics you mean? Do you have a solid reference to a "therapeutic dose"?

sure yeah family genetics if you want to call it that but he needs to see a doctor and tell him exactly what he's thinking about doing so that he can get the proper blood tests. he should just go to an HRT / anti aging clinic and they'll check him entirely and see if he's healthy enough for HRT. chances are he is because the average healthy male doesn't just randomly have cancerous growths or something hanging around their bodies. my dad is 65 and last year i've convinced him of all of this. he's on test now and he likes it but it's the GH that he doesn't wanna pay for.. but that's actually the mack daddy of all hormones.

around 1iu per day of FDA pharmaceutical grade HGH is usually the replacement dose. 2-4iu is like the "recreational" dose, 5+ zone is if you want to just have that nasty muscle mass. personally not something i ever want. some guys run 8-10iu of FDA growth i have no idea how they afford that. from my source, 10iu a day = $** a day or $**** per month. crazy shit. that's a monthly payment for a porsche gt3rs.. i'd take the porsche any day over 10iu of GH lol.
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I may be a bit off base, but I think 1IU is a replacement dose. 2IU is an anti-aging dose. 4 and up is body building.

I'm personally doing 3IU per day. Black tops of our sponsor onlythebestaas, which are supposed to be 98%.

For me that dose is about all I can handle. I get carpal tunnel swelling that makes my hands go numb on & off. 3IU is tolerable, more wouldn't be.

I've been on about two months now and I'm seeing reduced body fat, six pack is slowly emerging. Recovery seems better. Can't say sleep is any better or I've seen skin quality improvements yet. I'm hoping that a long term run will help heal up some shoulder rotator cuff issues.
I may be a bit off base, but I think 1IU is a replacement dose. 2IU is an anti-aging dose. 4 and up is body building.

I'm personally doing 3IU per day. Black tops of our sponsor onlythebestaas, which are supposed to be 98%.

For me that dose is about all I can handle. I get carpal tunnel swelling that makes my hands go numb on & off. 3IU is tolerable, more wouldn't be.

I've been on about two months now and I'm seeing reduced body fat, six pack is slowly emerging. Recovery seems better. Can't say sleep is any better or I've seen skin quality improvements yet. I'm hoping that a long term run will help heal up some shoulder rotator cuff issues.
if you lift consistently every day and take 2iu of legit pharma growth, you'll be able to eat ANYTHING (within reason) and not gain any fat. you'll be visibly tighter just one week in.

if i go up to 3iu, by day 7 i am noticeably leaner and if i'm dieting hard, at day 30 i am shredded. 3iu is AMAZING for recomp, 4+ and you're a fat burning machine. the average gym rat who just wants to look good naked should never have to go above 4.

if you're getting the real deal there is no carpal tunnel, swollen hands and feet and all that other shit you hear about. i know a guy who was taking 4iu of reputable UGL growth at night, and in the morning his feet were so swollen he could barely put his shoes on and close his fist. it seems that anyone and everyone who touches UGL growth gets awful sides even at 2iu. on pharma, the only side effect i get is extreme fatigue. i pin 2iu and i'm knocked out in an hour and a half no questions asked.

all of this leads me to believe that the chinese have found a way to spike IGF levels in the blood without actually having to go through the whole mechanism of the 191aa chain. they could have developed their own thing that's like 85aa chain or 100aa because there is no way they are selling legit, clean, 191aa HGH for so cheap. if they actually had the real thing, why wouldn't they incorporate, create a real pharma brand, and turn their million dollar operation into a billion dollar operation? if the shit coming out of china were real, even the top brands, they would be in direct competition with pfizer, lilly, sandoz, novo nordisk, etc. it's not an officially registered drug because at the end of the day it is a knock off..
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if you lift consistently every day and take 2iu of legit pharma growth, you'll be able to eat ANYTHING (within reason) and not gain any fat. you'll be visibly tighter just one week in.

if i go up to 3iu, by day 7 i am noticeably leaner and if i'm dieting hard, at day 30 i am shredded. 3iu is AMAZING for recomp, 4+ and you're a fat burning machine. the average gym rat who just wants to look good naked should never have to go above 4.

if you're getting the real deal there is no carpal tunnel, swollen hands and feet and all that other shit you hear about. i know a guy who was taking 4iu of reputable UGL growth at night, and in the morning his feet were so swollen he could barely put his shoes on and close his fist. it seems that anyone and everyone who touches UGL growth gets awful sides even at 2iu. the only side effect i get is extreme fatigue. i pin 2iu and i'm knocked out in an hour and a half no questions asked.

all of this leads me to believe that the chinese have found a way to spike IGF levels in the blood without actually having to go through the whole mechanism of the 191aa chain. they could have developed their own thing that's like 85aa chain or 100aa because there is no way they are selling legit, clean, 191aa HGH for so cheap. if they actually had the real thing, why wouldn't they incorporate, create a real pharma brand, and turn their million dollar operation into a billion dollar operation? if the shit coming out of china were real, even the top brands, they would be in direct competition with pfizer, lilly, sandoz, novo nordisk, etc. it's not an officially registered drug because at the end of the day it is a knock off..

Very interesting. I'd love to see a real analytical analysis of what I bought.
Very interesting. I'd love to see a real analytical analysis of what I bought.
at least you're open minded about the possible variables. some guys are like "nah bro, if my IGF levels are good that means it's legit" but it's not quite that simple.

i actually want to do just what you said and send some UGL stuff to a lab for an in depth analysis because it can't be the real deal that they're selling. think about it! say, for example, you found a way to perfectly recreate a very expensive type of penicillin for a fraction of the price. why would you keep selling it on the black market when you could make billions? same deal here.
at least you're open minded about the possible variables. some guys are like "nah bro, if my IGF levels are good that means it's legit" but it's not quite that simple.

i actually want to do just what you said and send some UGL stuff to a lab for an in depth analysis because it can't be the real deal that they're selling. think about it! say, for example, you found a way to perfectly recreate a very expensive type of penicillin for a fraction of the price. why would you keep selling it on the black market when you could make billions? same deal here.

You realize your argument is talking against you, right?
If they have not found a new an amazing way to create HGH or as you say produce a whole new substance, and it does raise igf1 levels, Occam's razor says the most plausible explanation is that its real HGH and not something new because as you say, then they would market it to the world and "make billions".
The ability to market it to the world is limited. The big pharma players have the market locked down. Getting approval for your company and your particular drug would be battled all the way by the big guys. Then you'd have to set up distribution, and get typical buyers to switch to you. It's a monumental task. The barriers to entry are so high you just don't really see players coming up to challenge the big guys. The few that do end up getting bought out, and the cycle repeats. Nothing really changes.

As for production costs, I'd wager the majority of it lies in the initial lab setup. Buying all the equipment, the building, training people, developing procedures, etc. Anything can be made cheaply if there is enough volume involved. My back ground is in taking small scale laboratory processes that are typically batch in nature, and scaling them up and making them continuous. Typically for chemical and refining where you make millions of tons per year of something. The same thinking could be used on HGH production, if there were money in it.

As for what the Chinese are actually making and selling? God knows. But they do make just about everything, including the best, the average, and complete crap. So I'd wager the same is true for all these peptides, the battle is finding the good stuff among the crap.
You realize your argument is talking against you, right?
If they have not found a new an amazing way to create HGH or as you say produce a whole new substance, and it does raise igf1 levels, Occam's razor says the most plausible explanation is that its real HGH and not something new because as you say, then they would market it to the world and "make billions".

i dont understand your response at all

i'm saying they've created something "new" in order to replicate the real thing. its still a knock off no matter how you look at it
i dont understand your response at all

i'm saying they've created something "new" in order to replicate the real thing. its still a knock off no matter how you look at it

I'm not necessarily against you but this statment I take as they created something different that cheaper to produce, it has similar effects, and is sold as HGH when it's not. Say for example (not the same situation or necessarily true) Selling EQ (if cheaper to produce) as testosterone (cost more to produce?
anyone over the age of 50 aint got no biusiness doing gear,spend all that cash and go to Mexico and bang chicks day and night who dont care what you look like hoss.
my dad is 60 and last year i've convinced him of all of this. he's on test now and he likes it but it's the GH. but that's actually the best of all hormones.
at least you're open minded about the possible variables. some guys are like "nah bro, if my IGF levels are good that means it's legit" but it's not quite that simple.

i actually want to do just what you said and send some UGL stuff to a lab for an in depth analysis because it can't be the real deal that they're selling. think about it! say, for example, you found a way to perfectly recreate a very expensive type of penicillin for a fraction of the price. why would you keep selling it on the black market when you could make billions? same deal here.

:confused:This is so true, some bros out in gyms think they have an IQ of 200 and hand out cycle advice like they are Steroid Einsteins who are superior to everyone else and end up messing guys E2, Testosterone, thyroid etc up with their ill advice. and even when they do they try to make up with it by giving you more horrible advice.:baby: