Gear ExpertS need some help here ..god bless you!


New member
need some advice here for my cycle of test enant cycle only..

planning to have cycle of:
- Week 1-10 test enant @ 400mg / week -- shot 200mg 2x per week

pct 2 weeks after last pin
- Week 13-16
Clomid 50/50/50/50
- Week 13-16
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

hi there! for all gear expert, planning to start this cycle.. and hoping for your kind concern.. any comment are highly appreciated, i cant run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and arimidex on my cycle cos its really expensive.. is it ok to have only a pct of clomid and nolvadex? without Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during cycle and arimidex everyday during cycle? im not prone to gyno.. hairloss mAybe.. help me guys.. i want a straight and clear suggestions... thanks salamat!!
I wouldn't run your cycle without an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like adex or Aromasin. Unless you have several cycles under your belt and know for a fact you don't have estrogen issues. I also run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) from the start. Additionally 10 weeks is cutting it short. Run your test for at least 12 weeks.
sir can u tell me the perfect time for using hcg? and for how many weeks thanks a lot..
i read some articles that says Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is optional? and 10 weeks cycle and below is not necessarily to have hcg
If you decide to incorporate Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) you would run it at 250iu twice per week for the entire cycle length excluding post cycle therapy (pct).
As stated your gonna wanna run your test at least 12 weeks to maximize the benefits.
Definitely grab aromasin or arimidex and run it through whole cycle, preventative maintenance is far superior to trying to combat sides once they are already setting in. Its your body and health do it right for the maximum success rate and less complications in the long run.
If you decide to incorporate Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) you would run it at 250iu twice per week for the entire cycle length excluding post cycle therapy (pct).
As stated your gonna wanna run your test at least 12 weeks to maximize the benefits.
Definitely grab aromasin or arimidex and run it through whole cycle, preventative maintenance is far superior to trying to combat sides once they are already setting in. Its your body and health do it right for the maximum success rate and less complications in the long run.

sir lets say
week 1-12 monday-test 250/IM and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu/SQ at the same time?
thursday-test 250/IM and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu/SQ at the same time?

is it right?
is it okay to use gauge 25/1 inch of needle like tuberculin syringe for injecting test enanth ?? is it possible to hit muscle? or should i use bigger needle?
The higher the gauge number the smaller the needle. I use 25 gauge 1" to pin my quads, however if doing glutes, i would use 1 1/2" since you need to hit the draw out of the vial its best to use a bigger needle (smaller gauge)...make sense?