gear legit? 3rd time in a row with no side effects

You should definitely be able to tell if your gear is legit, since you are taking a-bombs. Your strength should be through the roof. Your diet can not be anywhere close to being good if you are 6ft 190 pounds and on your 3rd cycle. You might want to really evaluate your training and diet because what ever your doing right now is not working.

Yeah buddy..if you ask these questions and your on ABombs, Your ABombs are junk..and most likely everything else is. Ive never felt anything like it in my life. Hemogenins (Hemos) 50mg/2 day! I can tell you, thanks to Anadrol (Hemos), I know what it feels like to be David Banner turning in to Lou Ferrigno (Hulk).
I open for recommendations, I used to be 155-165 when i was boxing, (2 years ago) then decided it was time to gain weight and i gained about 10-15 per cycle. im walking at 195 - 200 (but most of that is water and protien shake)
I have a personal trainer 1 day a week, I work out fro about 1.5 hour every day, 6 days a week, and like only 15-25 min of cardio (about 200-250 cals off) I get plenty of sleep. I switch up my workout and use different machines every 3 weeks or so,(and diff free weights) I personally think im getting big, but i figure that should come anyways with the diet, and excerzise. I feel great but i just dont have any side effects (except bruising and soreness on my shoulders where i shoot)
I havent started the anad yet, and I only have 30 of them 30 X 50ml so not much help there. Should i jusmp back on the anavar? i get way to sore when im on them though.
If that anadrol is real then you would know it, it hits you hard and fast, your strength should be thru the roof right now, along with a lot of water weight. Sounds like your gear is fake
I got them done at lab corp and the doctor said they were normal, but I dont have the exact report, I will look into it when I get the originlas, what should I be looking for?
You should be looking for a testosterone level in the supra-physiological range. I always pay for a blood test mid-cycle, partially so that I can test the effectiveness of my gear. Just as an example, after 4 weeks of test E 500mg/week my level was 2908 ng/dl (normal range for males 348-1197). While off cycle I had a testosterone level of 547 ng/dl. So my levels were nearly 6X higher than my normal, which says that without a doubt, my gear was good.
All of your doubt and wondering can easily be put to rest by having a blood test done to check your test levels.. it will tell you whether or not your gear is bunk among many other things.. This is one of the reasons behind having blood drawn before , during and after cycles
perfect, we are getting really helpful, I took my last test wile i was on clomid and was 3 weeks or so after my last shot.
it came in " little under the minimum" which would mean in the low 300s, again i will have to contact lab corp for the results.
If my gear is legit, then what would i expect on a blood test 3 weeks after i stop shooting?
I feel like being at 314 or whatever would mean my stuff if legit.
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Really hard to say without seeing the lab results but if you were only 3 weeks after the last shot and you are just under the minimum it could mean you are recovering your natural production but not quite there yet. Lab test done prior will give you a baseline of where your levels are to begin regarding test, e2, liver enzymes, etc.. and will help tpo determine if your body is well enough to start a cycle. Lab tests done 5-6 weeks into your cycle will determine if your testosterone is legit, give you readings which you can then compare to normality from your lab results from prior to stating, will allow you to determine if you need to adjust things like liver support, Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dosage, etc.. Lab tests done a few weeks after you have finished PCT will help determine whether you are back to "normal"..

As far as determining values for said tests you would need to post up results or type em out including ranges for each.
Really hard to say without seeing the lab results but if you were only 3 weeks after the last shot and you are just under the minimum it could mean you are recovering your natural production but not quite there yet. Lab test done prior will give you a baseline of where your levels are to begin regarding test, e2, liver enzymes, etc.. and will help tpo determine if your body is well enough to start a cycle. Lab tests done 5-6 weeks into your cycle will determine if your testosterone is legit, give you readings which you can then compare to normality from your lab results from prior to stating, will allow you to determine if you need to adjust things like liver support, Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dosage, etc.. Lab tests done a few weeks after you have finished PCT will help determine whether you are back to "normal"..

As far as determining values for said tests you would need to post up results or type em out including ranges for each.
I usually get sides during PCT, acne would show up on my shoulders and chest.

As for testicular atrophy, it happens so slow, its kind of hard to notice as you forget how big they orginally were. After PCT when your balls bounce back, then you'll notice how much you shrunk.
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I so someone recommended that if i took one anadrol, and it doesnt pump be b4 todays work out it could be bunk. I worked out today and didnt necessarily feel more pumped. but back to my ADHD post, A lot of Drug$ effect me way differently that other people, methanphetamin calms me down, and i know metholone is in anadrol. Maybe thats why
Until i get a new test done, just 2 more questions
1. Does anyone here take test and have ADHD?
2. did anyone have comments on the images i posted? anyone use pen hoff?
I so someone recommended that if i took one anadrol, and it doesnt pump be b4 todays work out it could be bunk. I worked out today and didnt necessarily feel more pumped. but back to my ADHD post, A lot of Drug$ effect me way differently that other people, methanphetamin calms me down, and i know metholone is in anadrol. Maybe thats why
Until i get a new test done, just 2 more questions
1. Does anyone here take test and have ADHD?
2. did anyone have comments on the images i posted? anyone use pen hoff?
All of your doubt and wondering can easily be put to rest by having a blood test done to check your test levels.. it will tell you whether or not your gear is bunk among many other things.. This is one of the reasons behind having blood drawn before , during and after cycles

It took getting to the second page for the magic answer lol. Kazmir is right, instead of guessing about it get a blood panel done and get a definitive answer.
Thanks, ok so when should i get the bloodwork done? and do i just google it? last time I had a lab do it that is to far.
just an update, i havent had a single zit for weeks, (since my last post) I still weight the exact same as when I started the cycle.
balls have not shrank, sometimes durring the day they might be a bit smaller but they warm up and its alll good again. not sure if thats weird or not.

thats about it, ready to get blood work, but where?
If your in Canada - your doctor
If your in the US there are numerous places and one of the sponsors on here do it