
Young Gunz

New member
hey so im fairly new at all this but Ive done my research. Countless research to be exact. I have decided on my first 12 week cycle followed by a pretty good post cycle therapy (pct). I will post my cycle below and I would like you guys to tell me what you think and lastly I have absolutely no idea where to start looking for gear. I know a lot of you are knowledgeable so if you point me in the right direction where I can get some quality gear I would appreciate it. if you need my email I would gladely leave that just so we don't have to discuss that over here. Thanks! P.S. this is my first cycle ever so if you would recommend doing a lower dosage please let me know of your input. This is just the conclusion I came to after my research

deca durabolin 300mg a week for 10 weeks Monday
Test E 4-500mg a week for 12 weeks. Monday and thursday
Havent decided yet: Androl 50, 50mg a day for 4 weeks daily
PCT clomid and novladex from weeks 14-18
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haha when i first posted your thread just said ...."hey, im new at this" and thats it bahaha, way to edit and make me look like a nub.

any ways , more research is needed. there is a great first cycle sticky somewhere, consist of test only. prolly 500-600 mg a week.
yes you need post cycle therapy (pct). you dont want deca dick first cycle brotein

as for a source......go to the gym, lift weights, ... look around the gym, gain friends and trust, check out the biggest dudes and ask em for gear, dont get beat up

ps, not recomended to ask for source for gear

good luck :)
At least this guy asked a question. One that's against the rules, but still at least it was a polite question. Normally I'd try to help out, at least a little bit, but I'm still grumpy from the last one. OP do not run deca in your first cycle.

Test only, 500mg/week for 12 weeks
Adex, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), Nolva Clomid, Maybe dbol as a kick for the first 4
If you do use an oral, do NOT drink alcohol at all, and add NAC and ALA for liver protection
so test e is gonna be my base ? should I just drop androl 50 too ? I just heard that was a great kickstart. I did as much research on my own but I still need a little advice from you guys so don't be afraid to tell me if im leaning in the completely wrong direction lol. I did research on good cycles and good stacks and that's what I got out of it. and with the clomid and novladex why would I start that during my cycle.. those are both pct's
i think he was just saying the items you need, just ment take the dbols for first 4 weeks. nolva and clomid two weeks after last inject. you got it almost figured, just stay away from deca this round
That's about half of your shopping list, not a recipe. You have to figure out dosage and timing for yourself.
okay ill drop deca, thanks guy I appreciate it. Like I said I did my research but im still learning the ropes so im glad you guys didn't rip me a new one lol
E-mail me @ and for the record you cant ask where to get gear at on on here man its like the 1st comandment...I would do a test only cycle for the first time cause its enough your receptors are fresh and will respond to test only. Good ...get all you can out of that single compound before throwing in others ...I gained 23 pounds and kept 16 and lost 4% body fat on my first cycle with sustenon only and trust me that's a huge difference physically in just 12 weeks. Email me if you have other questions or private message me . I am no expert so having said that. That's that
E-mail me @ and for the record you cant ask where to get gear at on on here man its like the 1st comandment...I would do a test only cycle for the first time cause its enough your receptors are fresh and will respond to test only. Good ...get all you can out of that single compound before throwing in others ...I gained 23 pounds and kept 16 and lost 4% body fat on my first cycle with sustenon only and trust me that's a huge difference physically in just 12 weeks. Email me if you have other questions or private message me . I am no expert so having said that. That's that

Did that really just happen ^^^^^^
First off I said im no expert and yeah 16 post in a week bro and who gives a shit about that what does that mean if I post a hundred times im a more solid person and use me for what im not offering anything on here except to share my ounce expirience cause he messaged me asking ...and again like I said imno expert im trying to collect data and info here. Too...anyways man I ain't trying to start some sort of internet argument I am just clearing that up cause obviously here was some sort of misunderstanding ir maybe I phrased my reply wrong ...I only responses cause he he sent me a message asking me too bad...hey bit I know my shit is good cause normally I wouldn't care about a comment like that. .but hey to each his own ....
Really sensitive what is this catholic church ...damn the guy asked me for that and said his private message wasn't working .. so I posted it there ...its just an email its nothing else and for the record I ain't offering shit to anyone on here I could honestly care less if someone cant find this or that I had to through total hell to find a good source so in my opinion if you cant find it thenbyour not trying hard enough and that's that ....anyways again I dont know shit about nothing and im here asking and trying to figure options with my own situation. .that's why im on here I ain't on here as hobby ...