GeneTech Pharma Epi-150 Halo-350


New member
So this whole prohormone thing is all new to me; I started doing research about a month ago and now I have decided to jump in, but Im still not sure what to take. I was looking at these two: GeneTech Pharma Epi-150 and/or Halo-350 from because there store front is in Clearwater which is relatively close to me so I can go in and talk to them. What should I do? I like epi for its anti-estrogen effect, but idk if this alone will be strong enough for me; should I stack the 2 of them? Also I plan on doing only OTC post cycle therapy (pct), so thats another reason I like the epi. My plan for post cycle therapy (pct) is Al Sports Nutrition post cycle therapy (pct), along with a test booster. Do I really need a SERM? Please any advice would be greatly appreciated.
you can run some Forma STanzol from mr supps, along with some post forged pct..I did hella and katanadrol...oh also throw in some DAA for post cycle therapy (pct). You should have some clomid on hand for emergencies