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Hate_on_me said:hey bro, i just baught some jintropin, it looks ecactly the same as ur first picture of the outside box, but the inside is way different, i have 10, bottles of powder, and 10, vials of does that mean i got screwed, or is it just another form of distribution., and also i wanted to ask how good it is, i've tried somaject, by eurotech, and that was really good, is this product better, same, or worse.......and if u could help me out, and tell me what the best type of hgh to buy would be...k......, thanx
cementerguy said:i have an oppertunity to get some jina.i was wondering what hgh actually does to a is it different from test and things like that.does one need post cycle therapy as well?any info on this stuff would be great!