I think part of the problem with this next generation is they grew up with their playgrounds rubberized...so when they fell they didn't hurt themselves.
They never played smear the queer. If you don't know what this is. Fuck you.
Facebook and video games make them a bunch of skinny pale faced nancy boys.
They were all told they were special regardless of their accomplishments.
They receive the same trophies for participating as they do for winning.
It's the end of the world I tell you. It's over.
I don't 'like' being pessimistic, but you are absolutely right.
I'm a few years younger than you and I'm fed up with my generation, not to mention the generations to come. The pussification of America has gotten so ridiculous I can't even stand to look at these lazy, fat (or extremely skinny), pale faced kids that when walking outside for 5 mins have red blemishes on their cheeks. It sickens me.
Granted, I grew up in a small town and under one roof my entire life as a kid, but I was outside playing ALL DAY. Climbing trees, making jumps for my bicycle (yeah I thought I was cool catching 'air' lol), taking apart things just to put them back together and many, many other things. My father also didn't allow soda nor cereals such as Captain Crunch and Cookie Crisp in the house which played a big role in not being an unhealthy jit. And our video games didn't come out until a rainy day, unlike kids today that play for hours on end.
I could go on bitching about how fuked up our society is and how all kids today are winners, but what good is it going to do. Parents these days are too easy, too forgiving, make excuses too easily and think their children are perfect little angels. The worst part of it all is that it will only get worse. Everyone giving their kids iPhones, iPads, Xbox's, Playstation's and everything else without teaching them the fact that someone had to WORK for that piece of technology. Maybe they will have some respect without thinking that if they drop it they will just get a new one!
Gray, it's over like you said, so juice up, kick back and watch the stupidity of society take over!