Stats: 25 years old, 185lbs, 15%bf, 1 year hard training on top of naturally muscular build. I was up to 220 3 months ago but wanted to cut off some fat before I started to cycle. Been doing a lot of reading and just want to see what you guys think about the cycle i'm prepping for.
weeks 1-10 500mg Test E (250mg a pin mon/thurs)
weeks 1-4 25 mg dianabol (12.5mg morning, 12.5mg mid day)
weeks 1-12 12.5mg Aromasin EOD
weeks 12-15 Nolva 40/20/20
How does this look? I've been looking at Clomid for PCT as most people recommend it with Nolva but others say Nolva alone is enough. Some people say 3 weeks of PCT, others say 4. Is HCG needed for a beginner cycle? Should I have HCG handy if I run into testicle complications or do people run HCG in normal cycles? I'm seeing so many people cycling Dbol/test online without aromasin/adex and not even speaking of HCG protocol and I'm wondering how they are doing. Tips and info appreciated!
weeks 1-10 500mg Test E (250mg a pin mon/thurs)
weeks 1-4 25 mg dianabol (12.5mg morning, 12.5mg mid day)
weeks 1-12 12.5mg Aromasin EOD
weeks 12-15 Nolva 40/20/20
How does this look? I've been looking at Clomid for PCT as most people recommend it with Nolva but others say Nolva alone is enough. Some people say 3 weeks of PCT, others say 4. Is HCG needed for a beginner cycle? Should I have HCG handy if I run into testicle complications or do people run HCG in normal cycles? I'm seeing so many people cycling Dbol/test online without aromasin/adex and not even speaking of HCG protocol and I'm wondering how they are doing. Tips and info appreciated!