ghrp-6 for injuries


New member
Hi im 48 years old and been training for 3 years on and off. The reason for this is im always having to take time off with injuries. Im using good form and making steady progress then bang something goes. Im a builder and over the years have probably picked them up threw repetetive movements. The point is ive recently been looking into starting a course of ghrp-6 as ive read it is good for older subjects and good for injuries. could any one give me any advise on this subject and your appinion on taking it at 48. Any advise would be realy appreciated having never taken any king of steriods or peptides before. joc
you will need to dose it 3x ED, stacked with a GHRH (growth hormone releasing hormone) GHRP (growth hormone releasing peptide)


ghrp 6 & cjc 1293 200mcg of both 1st thing am, mid day or pre WO, post WO or pre bed.

it will take you back 10 yrs recovery wise, joints, etc etc
i no its still early but had no replys and was hoping to gain some infomation as im ready to start the ghrp-6 a.s.a.p. Ive read numerous reports and threads but was hoping for some 1st hand advice off anyone who has experience with peps or can help me with dosage at my age or can help me with dirrect question as i start a log shortly.
you will need to dose it 3x ED, stacked with a GHRH (growth hormone releasing hormone) GHRP (growth hormone releasing peptide)


ghrp 6 & cjc 1293 200mcg of both 1st thing am, mid day or pre WO, post WO or pre bed.

it will take you back 10 yrs recovery wise, joints, etc etc

Thanks for the reply . would i start at that dose or work up to that amount slowly plus i have only purchased the ghrp-6 as i thought this would be ok on its own. its not a problem tho as im in no rush just want to get it right 1st time. could i start g6 1st then ad cjc later. sorry to be a pain but im new to it all.

Thanks for the post mate ive read your thread before and thought it was realy good. Having never taken any peps or steds before i was trying to get info on g6 for me at 48. Ive only got g6 that i required from a local sorce and was told this would be helpfull for injuries and kickstarting my gh again. Im trying to get info on how to start it and dosage for me and do i have to work up to the recomended dose gradually. sorry to be a pain but just want to get it right 1st time. Any help would be greatly appreciated. joc
Steroids and other drugs | Has anyone ever tried ghrp-6 for repair of injuries or just for extra anabolism
anabolic steroids
Steroids and other drugs | Has anyone ever tried ghrp-6 for repair of injuries or just for extra anabolism
anabolic steroids

going to start my g6 on monday to see if can help my shoulder injury that just wont go away even when i stop for long periods. As soon as i go back training it returns within a couple of sessions even with light wieghts. Will keep you informed and start a log if anyone is intrested in the outcome.joc
hey brotha, sorry to hear about your injuries. i can totally relate, i have quite a few myself. i have also been looking into peptides to rehab my injuries. after reading a few injury rehab threads on here i have been planning on running IGF-1Lr3 & tb-500 as they seem to help with injuries, read up on them maybe it will help u .... please keep us posted with your progress & how u are reacting to Ghrp-6. Good luck with that shoulder bro
Thanks for the advice and replys. Im just going to start with the g6 for a month and as its my 1st ever cycle and want to see the effects without adding anything to it just yet.This way i can moniter any changes if i add to it. thanks again for your posts. joc
Well ready to start my ghrp6 tomorow had a bit of a setback as i froze the bacwater by accident as the fridge was set too high. Hope it has defrosted by tomorow. going to start with 1 iu at night then build up from that with 3 x 1 iu a day. Keep you posted and thanks for your advice and replys as i need all the help i can get being a novice in this field. joc
sorry i havent posted but went to gym on monday and pulled my back doing some dumbell flys. something just went and the pain was terrible.Took some anti inflams i had from doc and they made me feel like shit. Cant get of toilet and keep going dizzy. Stopped them now but still not feeling good. Never started the g6 due to this as i couldnt see the point the way i was feeling. Back still bad so will wait a few days then start when it calms down.joc
sorry i havent posted for a few days but back injurie has realy p.....d me off. its not as bad now but still cant risk training yet. Took my 1st g6 last night before bed 1iu. Apart from a few wild dreams nothing to report but no it will take time to kick in. Only real thing i noticed was i needed to have a sh,,t almost imediatly after shot which i thought was a bit strang.joc
you dont measure peptides in iu's....its mcg's. 1 iu is not enough of the g6 either.

sorry i thoughy 100 mcg,s was equal to 1 iu but will put the dose down in mcg,s as to not confuse myself or anyone else. Thanks for the reply and i was going to do 100mcg,s at night before bed for a short while then 2 x a day before bed and in the morning. Like ive said its my 1st ever cycle of any type so any advice is welcome. joc
sorry i havent posted but went to gym on monday and pulled my back doing some dumbell flys. something just went and the pain was terrible.Took some anti inflams i had from doc and they made me feel like shit. Cant get of toilet and keep going dizzy. Stopped them now but still not feeling good. Never started the g6 due to this as i couldnt see the point the way i was feeling. Back still bad so will wait a few days then start when it calms down.joc

make sure you take those on a full stomach dude.
Some anti inflammatory meds are really harsh on the stomach. Its best to eat a full meal before, then continue eating while taking the pill.

should help
make sure you take those on a full stomach dude.
Some anti inflammatory meds are really harsh on the stomach. Its best to eat a full meal before, then continue eating while taking the pill.

should help

Thanks mate but ive stopped them now so ill see how the g6 works and keep you posted.
took my second 100 mcg prebed last night. not any great hunger but had a few more mad dreams and woke at 4 am needding to get to the toilet a.s.a.p. Other than that nothing to report but will keep you all posted.
day 3 took 100 mcg prebed. had some protien 30 mins after as i felt a little hungry but nothing unusual. slept like a baby and felt refreshed in morning. !st day training on monday since starting so keep you posted. any info would be appreciated.