so you're worry about the diet in bodybuilding without gluten then... not about steroids. right?
Did you read my post?
yes, and you have read mine?
i guess we have a winner for the grammy-stupid award this week yet.
yes, and you have read mine?
i guess we have a winner for the grammy-stupid award this week yet.
3J Mudge... some other, ther's this guy here which some difficultys how to grow in no-gluten cycle, and some other difficulty to read the title of forum. and how to answer to a question.
see what you could do with "it"
Cracked me up
dude are you on your rag or something??I thought this forum was to help people, obviously not. I understand this risks of steroids.
the title of the forum is anabolic steroids.. and thats what my question is about. Steroids + Gluten. You didn't like my answer... I want to know how people gain while on AAS, resist the urge to go stuff down a bunch of carbs, get in enough calories through protein, veggies, fats.
Does that answer your question?
dude are you on your rag or something??
i dont see where he threatened you..
also the title of your thread has the word steroids in it.. so he was checking to see if the question was just about your diet or steroids too..
wise up.. u want your questions answered you should try being nicer.. esp to a mod
to answer your question you can run gluten free and gear no prob... you just have to have the knowledge of how to remove gluten foods from your diet and eat the right things to grow or cut.. whichever your goal may be
Jesus, 1st: ....being gluten intolerant will not affect steroid use. Rather, injectibles and orals do not contain gluten, so no worries there (at least they should't..if you're having issues, check your source).
2nd: There are a myriad of foods you can eat that are gluten/lactose free and put on size. Having a gluten intolerance or lactose intolerance will not hinder muscle growth. Here's a short list of random good bulking foods off the top of my head that are gluten/lactose free:
Brown rice
Sweet potatoes
Egg whites
Nut butters
Salsa for dressing, olive oil for cooking with.
Many protein shakes are gluten free and lactose free as well. Just have to read. If you can't take mixing them with h2o, try almond or hemp milk for a bit of flavor.
No reason you can't do a good clean bulk, or cut with your dietary issues.
just a note: our youngest daughter was soy, lactose, and whey sensitive from birth. She nursed for a year, so I had to be soy, lactose, and whey free for a full year as everything I ate went straight to her . At 18 months, we had to remove gluten from her diet as well. We've since been able to add whey and some soy, but I have to be careful about everything that goes into her mouth. She's 3 1/2 now, so I've been going at the food restriction thing for a number of years. Tons of healthy options!!!
My new gf has Celiac's so I have been eating more of a gluten free diet lately. All it has really done is force me to eat "cleaner", which, has not really been a bad thing!
Yeah, I actually have to read every little ingredient on the labels at the grocery store. Still looking for a gluten free pizza. I've actually found some gluten free beers and they didn't taste that bad. But i'm not a big drinker to begin with so it's not like I was forced to give that up.