going about finding a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doc locally....and bloodwork ?


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going about finding a TRT doc locally....and bloodwork ?

So far google isn't being very good to me, but I'm trying to find a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) place around me in Maine.

And another ?.....

I have a yearly physical, and they take about 5 vials of blood out of me. I can't seem to see where my test levels would be on the 3 page report. Any funny names to look for?

I found other important stuff, like cholesterol, liver enzymes, etc, from previous oral PH cycles, but can't make sense of what my test is, if its even on there.

Thanks for any help!
They don't normaly test for that, since in their eyes it doesn't really mean squat lol. Push and bug your Dr to get tests done, once thats done and he looks at the result they may start you on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) if your numbers are bad enough or they may refer you to a endo, thats your first step :)