Going off clomid


New member
A little background:
36, diabetes and started metformin when I started clomid, have high blood pressure and taking cozaar for it.

I was on testosterone for 9 months, started taking a little too much for the last 3 months and I killed my sperm count. I have been on clomid for 3 1/2 months, my sperm count is now in a very healthy range and better than before taking testosterone!!

I am tired of being on clomid and I want to get off for a little while, see where my body can maintain. Clomid KILLS the libido, more that I ever expected. I have testosterone and hcg already stocked up, so I can go back on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) if I have to.

I was having issues with gout and HCG kicking it in, which is how my sperm level got so low. Being on metformin seems to have taken care of the gout flare ups, so I feel ok using hcg again.

My question is about how to go off the clomid, should I go down to 12 mg a day for a couple of weeks? or just stop my 25mg a day? and when should I have my testosterone checked after I stop clomid?

Welcome back Chip!
what was your sperm count before using the clomid and now?

My count was 70 mil per ml, and 25% motility before going on testosterone. About 5 months into testosterone i was down to 30 million.

4 months later my count was 2 million.

3 1/2 months after starting clomid my count was 50 mill with a whopping 50% motility, which is pretty good.

I used hcg in the beginning and had a lower dose of T, during the last 3 months I was up to 400 mg a week of test and almost no Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), as it caused gout in me. The gout is due to essentially being diabetic.

Now that I am on glucophage, I am not having any gout attacks. I felt great on 400 mg of test, although towards the end my blood pressure was up, my blood sugars were looking diabetic, and ED was pretty bad.

So essentially I was on a "cycle".

What was really great about the test is that it took my blood pressure down 30 points and made my blood sugars look normal for 8 of the 9 months I was on test.

I have been diabetic for at least the last 1 1/2 years, and since I was working out, my blood sugars stayed in the pre-diabetic range so the doctors never thought of trying to treat the diabetes. I actually had to argue with my primary care physition about putting my on glucophage, both my parents are diabetic, so I am screwed on that side of things.
My count was 70 mil per ml, and 25% motility before going on testosterone. About 5 months into testosterone i was down to 30 million.

4 months later my count was 2 million.

3 1/2 months after starting clomid my count was 50 mill with a whopping 50% motility, which is pretty good.

I used hcg in the beginning and had a lower dose of T, during the last 3 months I was up to 400 mg a week of test and almost no Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), as it caused gout in me. The gout is due to essentially being diabetic.

Now that I am on glucophage, I am not having any gout attacks. I felt great on 400 mg of test, although towards the end my blood pressure was up, my blood sugars were looking diabetic, and ED was pretty bad.

So essentially I was on a "cycle".

What was really great about the test is that it took my blood pressure down 30 points and made my blood sugars look normal for 8 of the 9 months I was on test.

I have been diabetic for at least the last 1 1/2 years, and since I was working out, my blood sugars stayed in the pre-diabetic range so the doctors never thought of trying to treat the diabetes. I actually had to argue with my primary care physition about putting my on glucophage, both my parents are diabetic, so I am screwed on that side of things.

thats great to hear bro,good for you that you got everything fixed good luck