Hi everyone.
First post, I lurk a lot of forums but rarely post. A bit of background: I am a collegiate athlete (my sport is a unique strength-endurance combination with heavy emphasis on endurance) on an intense workout regime, and I started experimenting with 25mg/day ostarine (on my rat) every day since Early December of last year.
Weeks 1-4 were part of a bulking phase, with the osta starting near the end of the 14 week phase (starting 3x10 med-heavy to lower reps every week, 4x2 heavy then ending around 3x5). Then was the endurance phase, starting around 3x10 (but fast reps, 45-50 Reps per minute pace) up to things like 2x50 and 2x100 near the end.
Note that lifting is not the only training I do. It comprises about 15-25% of my workout volume.
I am now easing into a lighter workout regime, with heavier, slower reps. I definitely made gains since using the osta, and it is evident to me and visible in the logs the leaps that I made. I recently found an article talking about how Osta lowered HDL levels and test levels by noticeable yet small amounts in the 120 subject 3mg/day trials, and since I've had issues with low HDL before (low total cholesterol, but low HDL for some reason too) I am now concerned about the effects of the osta on my body's endocrine systems.
I am not very read-up in terms of post cycle therapy (pct) and supps to combine with osta, so I need some input there. I am afraid of suppressing my natural test production. Even though SARMS "do not cause suppression", that statement comes with a big asterisk: it doesn't cause suppression AT EXTREME AMOUNTS like most other things. It still causes noticeable suppression at small doses, so 25mg/day I would assume probably does a lot.
I am now noticing:
Slower recovery
More soreness
Kind of a plateu in gains
It might not have worked as well with the endurance regime, or it could be diminishing returns/something.
any input appreciated.
First post, I lurk a lot of forums but rarely post. A bit of background: I am a collegiate athlete (my sport is a unique strength-endurance combination with heavy emphasis on endurance) on an intense workout regime, and I started experimenting with 25mg/day ostarine (on my rat) every day since Early December of last year.
Weeks 1-4 were part of a bulking phase, with the osta starting near the end of the 14 week phase (starting 3x10 med-heavy to lower reps every week, 4x2 heavy then ending around 3x5). Then was the endurance phase, starting around 3x10 (but fast reps, 45-50 Reps per minute pace) up to things like 2x50 and 2x100 near the end.
Note that lifting is not the only training I do. It comprises about 15-25% of my workout volume.
I am now easing into a lighter workout regime, with heavier, slower reps. I definitely made gains since using the osta, and it is evident to me and visible in the logs the leaps that I made. I recently found an article talking about how Osta lowered HDL levels and test levels by noticeable yet small amounts in the 120 subject 3mg/day trials, and since I've had issues with low HDL before (low total cholesterol, but low HDL for some reason too) I am now concerned about the effects of the osta on my body's endocrine systems.
I am not very read-up in terms of post cycle therapy (pct) and supps to combine with osta, so I need some input there. I am afraid of suppressing my natural test production. Even though SARMS "do not cause suppression", that statement comes with a big asterisk: it doesn't cause suppression AT EXTREME AMOUNTS like most other things. It still causes noticeable suppression at small doses, so 25mg/day I would assume probably does a lot.
I am now noticing:
Slower recovery
More soreness
Kind of a plateu in gains
It might not have worked as well with the endurance regime, or it could be diminishing returns/something.
any input appreciated.