Going on my first cycle - calories?

Basically, you've got the correct compounds, but the wrong information on using them OP

Sustanon - wks 1-12 @ 250mg x 2 per week every 3.5 days (IM)
HCG - wks 1-14 @ 250iu x 2 per week (SubQ) - stop 2 days before commencing PCT
Clomid - wks 15-18 @ 50mg per day
Nolvadex - wks 15-18 @ 40mg per day (2wks) 20mg per day (2wks)
NAC @ 600mg daily

Personally at these doses of Sust, I wouldn't run an AI from the start - but ensure you have some Arimidex or Aromasim on hand should sides appear

(Sustanon isn't a great form of test due to it's content of different esters - but if it's all you've got, then run with it)

NB: You've caught me on a good day... the guys are totally correct, you really need to research and read extensively before running a cycle. I'd guess that this is your first cycle?

Thank you, my good sir. It is indeed my first ride, but I wont be starting this week, as planned after this thread. I'll get some AI first..
An ai isn't something to have on hand. If something happens, its too late for an ai. An ai manages e2. You seriously need to read!!!

Thank you for your reply! I will get it. Its just that I was under the impression that it was some kind of a solution to gyno and bloating. Anyway I will get it!
OP, as for calories.. go to my free diet advice thread.. read post 1.. and post up your diet and ill give you a free critique..

or if youre looking for a professional to set up your diet email me at 3jdiet@gmail.com

3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.

Thanks a bunch! I'll definately post my questions regarding diet soon!
Yeah. I am sorry for using kilos and centimeters. My bf is around 15%. I have been working out for 5 years now, and I feel that I've hit a plateau. Anyway thats my incentive :)

What if I said I could put 20lbs on you without steroids? Do you really believe you've reached your genetic limit? That would be a farcry from the truth
What if I said I could put 20lbs on you without steroids? Do you really believe you've reached your genetic limit? That would be a farcry from the truth

No I do not believe that I have reached my genetic limit. But I think that I am very close. I've gained like 22 kilos for the last 2 years (some fat included of course), and I've reached a point now, where I am slowly starting to lose weight, eventhough my calories are relatively high.

I dont know man..is that really possible? 20 lbs?
An ai isn't something to have on hand. If something happens, its too late for an ai. An ai manages e2. You seriously need to read!!!

I personally feel an AI used at those Test doses could do more harm than good.

I doubt 250mg of Test twice a week would put his E2 above range - but throw an AI in too often and he'll bottom out, and for me, that feels a lot worse than going a bit high!

If he wants to be sure, mid-cycle bloods will determine whether to add an AI or not.
When's the last time you ran 500mgs a week? That's a lil oldschool saying an ai isn't needed. You can adjust the dose of ai too you know. I take 6.25mgs of Aromasin ed on a cruise dose...
When's the last time you ran 500mgs a week? That's a lil oldschool saying an ai isn't needed. You can adjust the dose of ai too you know. I take 6.25mgs of Aromasin ed on a cruise dose...

Each to their own buddy... my 1st two Test cycles were at that dose (yes, albeit a while ago) - I never had any raised E2 issues personally. And I get the feeling that the OP isn't too experienced, and is therefore unlikely to keep on top of his bloods to know for sure.

If he IS to introduce an AI from the start, I'd recommend he does so conservatively. I think these days we sometimes throw tablets into the mix just for the sake of it.

Not arguing bro, I can only go by my own experiences.
I don't see too many guys that don't end up needing an AI on 500mg of test per week. Some guys may not need it, but I think most will. Even if it is just .25mg of adex EOD or perhaps .25mg every 3.5 days. Most guys on TRT doses need an AI (although many of them may have higher body fat %'s than the OP).

I would also recommend pinning sustanon EOD given the short ester is contains. I will pin based on the least common denominator to avoid swings.

Ben: aren't you currently using an AI as a part of your TRT protocol? I can't remember for sure.
Yes I am... But that's because my injection is 1000mg/4ml... I take 0.5mg Adex E7D for the first 2 weeks after injection. I inject every 4 weeks...

NB: Best not to talk about my TRT of Test Undecanoate... That'll bamboozle the OP for sure! :spin:
I personally feel an AI used at those Test doses could do more harm than good.

I doubt 250mg of Test twice a week would put his E2 above range - but throw an AI in too often and he'll bottom out, and for me, that feels a lot worse than going a bit high!

If he wants to be sure, mid-cycle bloods will determine whether to add an AI or not.

I completely agree.

There are a lot of guys that simply do not always need an AI on cycle - something they learn through the experience of multiple cycles. These guys don't really suffer any side effects from higher e2 levels & tend to do fine without AIs.

But obviously, in this case the OP is a noob and I always advocate an AI on a first cycle accompanied with mid cycle bloodwork to adjust dosage regardless of compound doses since your not yet aware of how susceptible you may be to high e2 sides, etc.
Thank you for your reply! I will get it. Its just that I was under the impression that it was some kind of a solution to gyno and bloating. Anyway I will get it!

You don't put a condom on AFTER you get and std and think that will fix the problem do you... No... It's to prevent the problem in the first place.
You don't take an AI after you get sides, you take it to prevent the sides in the first place
Use the ai from the beginning. I know some older guys who use no AI and they are fine, but most people need it. Just dose it very low and get bloods done. Then adjust your dosage based on the bloods. My estraidol hit 168 which is extremely high on 600mg test and I felt like shit. Just start some adex at .25mg e3d which is very conservative and adjust from there.
No I do not believe that I have reached my genetic limit. But I think that I am very close. I've gained like 22 kilos for the last 2 years (some fat included of course), and I've reached a point now, where I am slowly starting to lose weight, eventhough my calories are relatively high.

I dont know man..is that really possible? 20 lbs?

absolutely.. the most anabolic thing on the planet is food... and 90% of people out there dont know how to properly set up bulk diets and phases